Thursday, September 12, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #78) – Day #359

Date for Entry: (Thursday 12 September 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 15 September 2024)

[T1, W:02 – WD:09, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning felt worse than yesterday morning. Christmas songs were being played on the bus and I sang along. I got on that particular bus as soon as it crossed the road to me. Daddy thought I would have walked across the other side with him. I jumped on the bus one time and had the umbrella in hand before exiting to walk down 6th Avenue.

    I had breakfast as soon as I got in and saw Jess enter the staff room. She saw me eating and said that she would be in warning. When I got there, the students were copying the lyrics to the George's College song. I went to get a copy of the score from my folder. The students walked through the words rhythmically first and then started singing the song with each sentence.

    The children did very well on their first attempt in my opinion. It was made better than the previous year's groups. I hope they didn't see this in my journal entry, LOL. One boy with glasses was given that copy for the rest of the class to take a picture of it. A very small boy mentioned that she saw my video of the George anthem on my YouTube channel. I am grateful for his subscription.

    Once this class time was over departmental meeting was conducted during the third period and at the end of the first half of the fourth period. They were planning a series of competitions and the ideas of the Schools’ Panorama. This I knew was trouble and didn't want to get involved in it. The meeting finished abruptly as well. As soon as it was done Miss Roberts came in. She said that she was leaving on Tuesday. I will have to start work for church tomorrow while working on cleaning the gallery in the evening.

    No sign of a new timetable in sight. Maybe it will be discussed next week. “Jess” and I had 3F for a double session after recess. Still a big surprise as to what she will be teaching. She corrected the exam papers for the end of form 2. Miss Jones did her theory session on the wall side of the classroom. Thankfully the wild students of that class were gone from music class. It was nice to know that there is a photography club. I learned from “Mr. Williams” earlier that there was a Latin club with Miss Chote. I'm not sure if it is her language club. If it is I will have to learn the Latin language.

    During lunchtime, Miss Alexander said that she was going to continue sorting books on Monday because she was tired. The art room was still in a mess but they are getting there. I saw a boy with a big stab wound in his left arm. The blood got very scary to look at.

    Right after lunch, Jess had asked me to go and help her with the inventory of things to fix in the music room. I saw Robert's teaching 2M on the way back to the staff room. I think she was teaching a dotted notes lesson. I had enough waiting for that afternoon. Hunger took over me and tiredness as well. I packed up and went up the road before the rain came down. Seemed to be a very cloudy afternoon.

    Getting into the car Aunty Vangie was calling me to see if I needed a drop home. I told her that I was already in Curepe. I had a Muslim barbecue that night and it was so good. By 5 pm I was at a computer working on little something by Sting. But I ended up falling asleep on the couch at 5.15 until 6 am the very next morning. (Did not make it to bed until Friday night. Tomorrow is no school. The compound will be sprayed for mosquitoes.)


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(9:30 am – 3:11 pm)

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