Thursday, September 5, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #77) – Day #354

Date for Entry: (Thursday 05 September 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 08 September 2024)

[T1, W:01 – WD:04, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got ready in 30 minutes and got to Curepe at 6.50 a.m. this morning. The road was super clear. As soon as I got to the bus route I saw “Mr. Adams” waiting for his bus. Also, as soon as the bus that I was on reached the junction in Barataria, he was in the front seat of a taxi. I had a good laugh at him in my mind. The 6th Avenue was clear as well. I saw Ariel with her dad walking her down to school.

    Not many teachers were there in the staff room too. I got my pie done while chatting with Miss Gittens. Better news of Mr. Greenaway came. They said that he was doing well but his body had to recover before surgery and that there was a better chance of him getting to come home. It was nice of Miss Patel to hang with us too. I got a beautiful bookmark from “Choo Choo.” Mr. Persard came in and he met me. He spoke with Mr. Pierre before I got up to go to class with “Jess.”

    The music room was not ready too so we were allocated a spot in the hall for meeting the Form 4 students. A short introduction was done and then she spoke about the course of study and worked on the three examination papers for CSEC. The breeze was so nice by the wall fans in the hall that it started to make me fall asleep. I had to fight it a lot. Only three of the four students were present today. It reminded me of Miss Kittens' four students for Form 4 Arts this academic year.

    I spoke with Mr. Persard when I entered the staff room again about the forms and gave him a copy that I made for him to keep. He was also shown some of the other forms that I made and he liked the teacher's log too. He liked the concept and idea and I gave him a coloured copy to keep in case that was a form they would like to adopt and use too. Thankfully it had my logo printed on the back of it.

    I saw that the green bag with my cleaning supplies was gone. Not sure if Miss Gittens had taken it to start cleaning the art room. No one was there in the art room when I got there. I went to see “Jess” in the music room. Far from the art room, she was trying to get Mr. Bain to fix a broken table that they had stolen from UTT. I met Janice in the corridor outside the staff room with my green bag of supplies. We went to the art room and I got started. She sprayed some bug spray and left for a very long time.

    I ended up going through boxes of papers by the time to help with organizing the papers into teaching materials, things for Miss to organize and see what to keep, as well as things that would have been handled for children and sorted them out into different groups. Miss came in a little before recess time and met me there. We both worked until lunchtime. A lot of things were mixed up still in the art room.

    The delivery men came and took chairs out of the room and they helped remove some other stuff that did not belong in the art room. Thankfully Shiva helped us out a lot. Towards lunchtime when Miss was not there, Janice and Amira came but they didn't stay for long. Miss Kittens was now leaving early too. I thought Jess went out with Carty again. Miss Dana had a good quote to share today. I'm not sure about what happened with Inshan Ishmael but he was one of the hot topics in the conversations that the teachers were having.

    Nice to see Mr. Charles coming back in the staff room. The area was very noisy and buzzing. I wasn't sure what was going on with the administration office too. I hope that it will be up and running as soon as next week. Even lunchtime finished quickly and it took forever for lunchtime to reach. I felt as if I could have gone to bed when lunch was over. We had a class with two 2L. The class that moved up from 1L.

    “Jess” and the children were commenting on the classroom’s heat. The same was true for the rest of the teachers. I waited on my feet and then sat for the last 30 minutes of class. She wanted me to carry a blue chair from the hall to the music room. Back in the staff room, I learned that it was “Maria's” birthday today. Some more reports of heat affecting students in the classroom were mentioned in the staff room. Another shocking discovery was discussed too.

    With one more day to go, I hope it goes well. I got up to the bridge right by my side and transcribed tonight. Hopefully tomorrow the rest will be done. In Love Island, there was a man's choice after movie night and Jin had chosen me again. Max ended up picking the Casa girl Sienna who was very mean to me in the game. Theo did mention he would have picked me. Hari had chosen a dancer girl named Hazel. I went to bed immediately and hoped that waking up in the morning would have been easy.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:11 am – 3:19 pm)

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