Tuesday, September 10, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #78) – Day #357

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 10 September 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 15 September 2024)

[T1, W:02 – WD:07, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning was not easy to wake up. I left the house at 7.10 am. The staff room was empty. Not many teachers were there at all. I got my pie eaten right next to Miss Gitten's. I got all of my entries for yesterday completed and forgot that I had a class with 1M. I got there while introductions were going on. I got to introduce myself shortly after.

    Towards the end of the session, 10 minutes was taken for the 1-8 challenge again. This time a soca beat from a song by Kes was used. We had 3F right after. It was my first time having a single period. I went to call Miss Jones in her theatre arts room. It was in a mess and she didn't have help to get it cleaned up. “Jay” and I walked from 3F and walked back to class after speaking with Miss.

    Once Miss Jones got to 3F, she and “Jess” did the splitting of class. The single period was finished and it ran into Dr. Allison's English A class. I could tell it was English A because she had the “English For All” textbooks in her hand. How I wished they made a better textbook. It was nice to see Mr. Dass arrive at school finally.

    The staff room was nice to be with the teachers again. Miss Gitten's had someone helping her clear out the room. I learned that his name was Mr. Joe and near the end of school he was trying to see if he could fix the air condition unit. Sadly, it looked like they would need a new one but he will try to source the parts.

    From the fifth period to 1.30 pm, I went to the library instead since Miss Jones didn't know what she was going to do with her variety of bags in the room. Her storeroom also had to be cleaned out. Miss Alexander asked if I was willing to work on the teacher's resources section. Two shelves of books were sorted out and set into alphabetical order. They were first sorted by their Dewey Decimal Number.

    These were all of the fiction and romance books that Miss did not want the children to deal with. I was able to get a picture of the shelf and the sorted books that I had done for the day. Miss had a laugh at me taking a picture. I was invited to come back tomorrow for more sorting by Miss Alexander.

    At 1.50 pm my arrived back into the staff room. Miss Gitten wasn't feeling so good. I got her a good bag from the garbage to put her ceramic trash in. I took my ambulance and walked up to the bus route. There were a lot of dark clouds coming around and I didn't want to get wet. A student from perhaps earlier in Form 1 met me with a parent on the way up.

    For me, at Mount Hope, the rain finally came. I kept my umbrella with me in my hand. Eight Georgian students were there on the bus leaving Georges. I was the last one to leave the bus at Curepe. Praise to God that the introductions for “Right By My Side” and “Another Day in Paradise” were both completed.

    “Right By My Side” will have their chorus to work on with a different strumming pattern. The song “Another Day in Paradise” was given a strum to be reviewed before I attempted the first verse. I stayed up enjoying the television show “Miraculous” on the Disney channel. I saw the first two episodes of 4 for the night and went to bed. The evening ended very quickly.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 3:58 pm)

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