Monday, September 9, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #78) – Day #356

Date for Entry: (Monday 09 September 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 15 September 2024)

[T1, W:02 – WD:06, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning, the bus driver had songs played by Brooke Lidgertwood, then two from Tasha Cobbs, and finally two from another lady. The guy in yellow stopped early. The beard cut was nice. The road to George's was empty, and a few teachers were still there. “Gigi,” Mr. Raymond, and “Mel” were there. I had my pie after signing the arrival time in the daily logbook.

    This will be my fourth logbook for journal entries in activities in school. Thankfully, it began with a new week. On a brighter note, this week has twelve weeks after. Mr. Raymond got my stapler to staple his rulebook together. Miss Dana did not like having to staple her book. I agree that it should have been done for them instead of teachers having to do it.

    The teacher's attendance register was missing for the morning. Miss Carty was hood-asking for the 2F rulebook folder. Soon the attendance book was found. Jess said that she was going to check to see if the Form 6 students had come to school. When she returned, I figured that they weren't there. “Patty” came asking for help with her rulebook. It seems as if the white page was oversized and it was also printed badly. If I had the technology, I would have done the entire whole document over.

    I went over to help Miss Gittens with cleaning the art room. Miss Roberts laughed at me when I said I was tired. My phone alarm went off at 9.36 for me to pack up and get ready for class. “Mr. Marlon” assisted me with the directions to get to the 4L classroom with the Form 4 students.

    Today's session was reviewing paper 3 of the Music Syllabus for CSEC. We got an idea of the students' preference in the written work and it was good to know that they were in an intermediate level of performance. Determining the appropriate grade level would be next. Each of the 4 students was given homework to practice F Major, C Major, G Major and D Major skills along with their arpeggios.

    I happened to enjoy being seated in the Georgian classroom. I think I would have enjoyed it. Made me wonder what it would have been like for Amir Andrews, Amir and the others here at George's. “Jess” and I had 2L right after recess. All the teachers seemed to have forgotten. Jess went through the Form 1 end-of-term exam for questions 1 and 2. Questions 3 and 4 will have to be done in the next class. She ended with a content TikTok challenge. Miss Kittens joined me outside to see the last of it before lunchtime.

    The office was still in a mess. I saw some MTS workers in the office helping out. Mr Charles and Shiva were sharing with me the story of how the guard boat was built by “9 hardback” men and took “an entire year from January to December to complete.” They mentioned it was a full year to build that small building. I had a big laugh with them.

    Some men were there to check the labs. I hoped the repairs required would be fixed soon enough for the classes to continue. I believe some of them were there about the electrical works for the whole building that housed the music room. There were also more murmurs about issues with the timetable and teachers allotted classes that clashed with their Form 4 and 5 groupings.

    After that time everyone was watching the rain and bright lightning outside. Mr. Charles made a joke about Lisa leaving with Shiva and we laughed. She accidentally responded that the office had no toilet paper and everyone laughed again. The story of Barataria and no toilet paper was shared again with the judge's toilet paper room. Aunty Vandrie came to pick me up some minutes after school.

    Surprisingly the rain had stopped and the sun came out hot. We went to the home store which is right down the road on 6th Avenue. I loved the paintings, curtains, mats, mirrors and a lot of other stuff. The prices were a lot though. They had a huge floral section which I may have never been able to pick one if I had to.

    We then went to ABC for paint and spent two and a half hours there with a girl who looked just like Miss Roberts. Another attendant was helping out Diego and he resembled Gin from the Love Island game but seemed a bit different instead. He didn't talk much but he also dressed like Gin. We walked through the lights aisle and got our way up to the back by the paint section.

    I got home that evening at 5.30 after there and went quickly to have dinner and get started on music. The introduction for “Ride by my Side” and “Another Day in Paradise” were worked on. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to work on two skid pan arrangements at the same time. However, the mentally tiring aspect of both songs and their requirement of concentration seemed to be doing me well with this decision.

    All of the repeats made me feel like I was in a panyard trying to get the right rhythm and the right sound in my living room. The sound produced by Musescore 4 was amazing. The difficulty getting the strumming patterns was far on the other side of amazing. Hopefully, it will be solved and accomplished soon.

    Whisper Tonight was lonely and everyone else didn't respond. Love Island Finals and Reunion were our last two episodes. Sienna and Luna both had hate towards the main character. Liam changed into a new person. I was glad for him. Emel, Oakley, Bea and Logan had split up their relationships.

    Sophie reacted to everything and had no idea that her relationship with Jack was long before they were dumped from the island. She admitted to everyone that she had something for Jin. Hari and Max didn't come again. They commented that some toxic persons in the villa weren’t worth the time being there. There's one more episode to go. Not sure what will happen or what drama will take place at all.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:42 am – 2:55 pm)

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