Wednesday, September 4, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #77) – Day #353

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 04 September 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 08 September 2024)

[T1, W:01 – WD:03, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning, Daddy and I were both too tired to get up from bed. He was surprised how quickly I got out of bed, had a bath and was ready in 20 minutes. We got to Curepe and I boarded a Maxi. The driver had some nice music playing.

    Somehow the driver reminded me of Dion, but yesterday I heard that Dion was hired to teach mathematics in another school. I was not sure if it was a private school or a secondary school. I had breakfast and I still remember the song that I heard sitting down in the Maxi, which would have been very nice to transcribe and also turn into a steelpan arrangement. Sadly, I did not know the name of it.

    The walk down to St. George's was short. I saw “Deane” walking in front of me on the other side of the pavement. As I got to the savannah, I was greeted by “Mr. Haynes”, who looked like he had packed very light for that day. The guard had called me back to find out my name and the spelling. Students were now coming in. The compound looked very small in number.

    Today, the Form 3s, 4s and 5s had a brief assembly in the hall. As it was their first day back out of school for the academic year, we were told by Mr. Pierre that all the Form 1s and 2s would be kept in their classrooms for morning assembly. It was also mentioned that we had homeroom for the new specified time according to the mandatory ‘Cultural Transformation’ idea on all schools by the Ministry of Education. We had homeroom for the, well, 30 minutes in the morning before the first period began.

    Timetables were handed out and “Jess” took hers from me. I gave her Ms. Jones's timetable to rest on her desk. Not sure what time Ms. Gittens will be here. She has the final pack today from Valsane to get to St. George's. It was our last day to pack and leave the compound as well. Mr. Prasad was here too. It was nice chatting with him. The two of us spoke about the leaf forms for teachers and he gave me his email to send it off to him.

    Javid said that he was ready to start class. He had a lot of papers to give back to his children on that first part of the day. I got to see the insect vector guy who came into the staffroom too. Surprising that the men's room was locked to the flooding. That meant I had to hold up urine for the entire day. Jess and I had Lower Six placed on our strange timetable but there were no lower six students present in school today.

The times of the periods were changed to suit the 30-minute homeroom after assembly. While writing people are starting to notice my journal book. A lot of people came by looking at it and asking and talking about it in whispers. We heard that fans were missing from the classroom and Miss Poops ended up walking out with a fan in her left hand saying, “This heat boy? I cyah take this heat!”

Classrooms were in session when I was out for a few minutes. Dean's matters with the wrong size of skirt were taking place early in the morning with a parent and the office was locked again. There came a time during the day when Mr. Pierre was asking for numbers of students from form teachers. I will make a student's numbers form for Mr. Pear this evening.

    "Jess" and I went to form 3F for class during the 5th and 6th periods. It had to be split up for theatre arts and music. We didn't have anything planned to do with them for the day. She gave back the test papers and tried to convince some of the students to make music. Once that was over with six children, I shared with Jess that music is very hard for them and it is not favoured heavily at Form 3 into Form Four.

    In the last 20 minutes to lunchtime, Artee had 3M on our left-hand side. She was exhausted from the heat and so was Jess. She went back to the staff room to pack. Both ‘Jess’ and Carthy were leaving early. I packed up and left after asking Mr. Charles to leave early as well. Some long waiting was done in the bank. Luckily someone left early and we got their number.

    I sat next to Anil in the bank from UWI and he shared his discovery of the western modes and some of their relation to the Indian classical tarts. I did mention to him that at some point the modes and tarts began to be less similar to each other. I also got my extension letter from the OJT office in the Anva Plaza. This was before going to the bank. The time range was extended from the 18th of September 2024 to the 26th of May 2025.

    As soon as I got food finished and out of the way I fell asleep on the couch until 10.15 pm. There was a strange dream of “Suite Life of Zack and Cody” although this particular TV episode was not real. This was a made-up episode in my dream. As soon as I had a bath I went and got the email of the teacher's leave form prepped and ready for sending off to Mr. Sanjeev Prasad. I also sent a copy of the teacher's attendance book that I had created and detailed it well in the discussion. This was in case both documents would be considered for adoption. The time was midnight after this exercise.

    I got the introduction to “Right By My Side” transcribed. The rest of the morning was spent reading three chapters from Love Island. I hope that the Ministry will be able to approve the documents. It would feel like a nice accomplishment to me.

    If in future they ever decide to accept and adopt the teacher's attendance register that I had created, it would feel like a blessing and I know for sure that the vice principals in the different schools would have an easier task of doing their checks for late and absences. This was mainly my idea while observing Dr. Blandin last term when we had to do lates and absences and she had my assistance. Having these observations helped me to get some more useful ideas. I hope that when George's is ready and set I will be able to go and continue to assist the teachers with the late and absences forms.



  • OJT Extension Letter. **

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 2:48 pm)

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