Tuesday, September 3, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #77) – Day #352

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 03 September 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 08 September 2024)

[T1, W:01 – WD:02, (Td:X)*].

Dear Diary,

    I had a late arrival waiting for Daddy to come up home. We got a spicy chicken pie by the bus route in Curepe and I got the first bus on the priority down to Barataria. Daddy also came on the bus with me this morning. He was going to Steve Electronics in Barataria Junction to get a multi-USB port for the computer. Sadly that one was spoiled and I had to get another one. He was asking me how long this one had lasted and I told him that it was since the beginning of the two-year OJT program that he had bought this spoiled one.

    I met Miss Mohammed by the office and three male parents were waiting. I didn't bother to ask her for the OJT log book seeing that the office was still in a mess and not packed up yet. I went to the staff room instead of the long walk behind the hall. Looking through the window first, it looked like a meeting was going on. When I got inside by the first table everyone was there. Mr. Charles was directing the discussion at the time and I took my chair.

    There were issues with the timetable that had to be prepared for school tomorrow. These were the instructions from the district supervisor Mr. Sanjeeve Prasad. He had the last part of the meeting to discuss different points with us. Two other fallouts occurred.

    We also learned that once the principal is on vacation she has no authority except for the person acting in her place. I learned that the principal decided to take three months of vacation which means that in January of 2025, she will be coming back to Georges.

    The list of seniority was reviewed for the role of acting principal. Once Mr. Charles's name was called he accepted the responsibility when the staff expressed their confidence in him. Since Mr Martin after Mr Charles was not present the list review had to stop and Mr Peer was asked to assist as acting vice principal until word from Mr Martin. He would have to send his decision in writing. Mr Prasad did not accept the person's decision while the principal was still on duty.


    The meeting ended immediately for an urgent MMT meeting to begin. Ms. Gittens gave me her supplies and she placed them into my green cleaning bag before heading over with the heads to the MMT meeting. She came back to let me know that security had the keys to open the art room.

    Mr. Harry while doing my entry asked if I was writing a love letter in this journal book. I told him in a joke that I was writing my heart and soul out. He gave me a big smile. Donna too tried joking to see in the journal love book. This was book journal book number three. She had been joking with everyone about not saying anything during the meeting with Mr. Prasad. I just hope that cleaning the art room will not take forever.

    Ms. Greenaway had already expressed how shocked she was at the state of the art room and she said that the art room and the home economics room were both the worst classes in the entire school, concerning their status. The guard outside said that the gate for the art room was opening but they had tried all the keys they had and the two doors were not opening. I had to let Ms. know about this situation when she came back to check on me from the MMT meeting.

    When Waverly came to visit “GG”, Shiva laughed and gave me a hard lash on my shoulder as I learned about Waverly going to a Presbyterian school. He must have forgotten how much his lashes hit me. Not sure when the room will be open but I went to work on my Bible reading. There was a lot of flaming and noise in the entire staff room until it cooled down. I did not see many of the MMT members after their recess.

    I left early again that afternoon and went up home. I saw Javid leaving too before turning up 6th Avenue. The evening went by quickly. I tried watching the “Chicano Club” documentary but it was too long. It also lost my attention. Perhaps if they had a series in the holidays I may have appreciated that. I got two Love Island chapters read out and all of “Another Day in Paradise” was fully transcribed that evening.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(9:18 am – 2:59 pm)

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