Wednesday, March 13, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #62) – Day #231

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 13 March 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 March 2024)

[T2, W:11 – WD:47, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    I went to Curepe later after an early awakening. The driver was Marquis today. There was a while waiting for his maxi to be full. A friend of Mr. Georgian came down to Valsion with me. As soon as I entered the office, it was filled with late teachers coming in to sign. I took Miss Dana's package with me to carry for her in Block A. I saw that she had signed attendance already. She got it as soon as I entered the staff room.

    “Jess” was taking a long time to come. I had to go down to Block C to get her and walk her to class. There was a nice maths question on the board with graph work. I believe this was in the 2L classroom. One part of the question finding x=4 on the Cartesian graph seemed a bit difficult for me.

    I sat with Vara in the front class in the computer room where they were situated and she opened the graph book and showed me how to find the line x equals 4. She told me that the commas in the question were called prime and that the topic was reflections when I had asked her. It seemed fun. I hope I can find some graph paper to do those too. I sat in the back of the temporary classroom for 2L for the rest of the double period while Jess did recordings of the extempo submissions.

    I left at 5 minutes after 9.30 am. I was able to get another look at the SAGS score with my score file open. There was a lot of difference from what I saw in the score notation that was provided to me by Mr Sharma. It seemed as though the score provided to me by Mr Sharma and the recording from the SAGS website was much different.

    I am not sure if it was an arrangement created by a student or if that was an updated version that they were now using. I had to cut this session of working on SAGS Anthem short because Jess wanted me to meet her to carry her laptop and projector to 3M. This was for the 5th and 6th periods after recess. The Form 3 children were already introduced to family instruments and the ethnographic classification of instruments. This class was a review as Ms Roberts was not there.

    Once lunchtime came, I returned to the staff room until lunchtime. I didn't bother to work on any music again but wrote some compositions. I had a long prayer. After class with 2M, in which they did recordings and submissions also, I went to sit in Block C. Had a light chat with Ms Greenaway while waiting for the travelling crowd by the road to clear out after travel today. When I got out onto the road, a maxi driver sped out without watching inside the road.

    The next driver was a fast one and he flashed the lights quickly some miles ahead for me. I put out my hands in advance for him to see me. As soon as I sat in the front row to the back, I realized that it was Saga Boy Andy driving. He had his permit hanging from the top of the front mirror and I learned that his surname was also Andy, just like me.

    I went home and did about 2 to 3 lessons in the book. I couldn't do anything after that at 8 pm. No music at all. I got some new Christian music set in a new playlist to do for Steel Pan. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and eventually went to bed somewhere after 10 pm. I decided that a new playlist for Christian music would be best to help me finish out the rest of the 50 pieces of music inside there.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 4:00 pm)

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