Monday, March 11, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #62) – Day #279

Date for Entry: (Monday 11 March 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 March 2024)

[T2, W:11 – WD:45, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came in early and had an early start probably after the rest yesterday evening. I was the first one in the office again. No Georgians were there with me in the maxi. As soon as I got signed in, Jess came to sign also. Mrs. Santana told me about her Form 1 exam today and told me that she would ask Miss Gittens for permission to use me during the last two periods of school.

    I got my things and went down to Block C after a chat with Miss Mary and Miss Gittens about Saturday's shooting in Porto, Spain. I waited for Jess to finish her form teacher duties outside of 1F and we went to class to 2M. They had to finish their Google Chrome Lab compositions and submit them to the Google Classroom. I learned that the children had to copy a link and send it to the Google Classroom as their submission.

    1L came after to the music room. The door was locked and the keys were sent with a student. Jess did the C major scale assessment while I helped upload student assignments. One girl got through outside the hall and I took her back. The other two groups sent out of the classroom with me had nothing ready for recording, so I sent them back to the classroom.

    At the start of recess, a pan tuner came and made a noise. We had to send the students outside and back to their classrooms. I informed Jess of the test later on our way outside of the music room. She messaged me at Blocket to say that she would find out about it. I went to 2F for a repeat of what was done with 2M earlier. I was able to do a second question for Ties and Slurs in 2M. I got some Self-Edge exercises for dotted notes and some Maths questions on that same topic as well.

    During my working from lunch to the end of the 7th period, I got the two diagnostic tests completed as a 50% test. I will have to make a lesson for ambition for that question to be examined. The children were finished by 2.30 pm. I collected the papers at 2:25 and allowed the children to I collected the papers at 2.25 and allowed the children to leave the building. 2:30 came right away and once the students finished, the last five of 25 multiple-choice questions. The test was long gone so Maria took these papers from me. I left my bags in the staff room to use the washroom and then wrote down today's entry.

    Donna stayed back in block A to begin marking papers. Mrs. Santana came in line and Susan didn't have the energy. There was a commotion about next week as the last week for school and too many events with dates not confirmed. There was a commotion about next week as the last week for school and too many events with dates not confirmed.

    That evening after daddy collected me by the terminal, he told me that Andrew had brought churches to me. I sat on the couch and played a few games. The last game was another Elmwood mystery game to find a missing girl named Zoe. Two best friends disliked each other. Zoe's boyfriend Brad and Betty's boyfriend Kevin are my top two suspects. I didn't pay attention to the name properly.

    I woke up from 11 at 3.15 to go to bed. It was quickly at the sound of Daddy tapping the glass window for me to wake up again. It was quickly the sound of Daddy tapping the glass window for me to wake up again.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 4:29 pm)

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