Tuesday, March 12, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #62) – Day #230

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 12 March 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 March 2024)

[T2, W:11 – WD:46, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    Today Daddy bought me a jam tart by the bakery near the bus route in addition to the single pie he bought from Breakfast Express. The pie was bought from a doubles vendor who wanted the other colleague to finish their story about some girl they were talking about.

    I had a good laugh about it in my mind but it was cut short when I got onto Lockhart Street. The driver was pushy and a lady got out because of his behaviour. He sent me into a seat had someone sit by the footrest and squished all three of us in the front row.

    As I got to the pavement to walk into the UTT compound, Mr Latren called me into his bus and handed me a longer black phone. He asked that I drop it off at the administration office. Thankfully Ms. Ali was there in the office to receive it. I hope that someone comes back to collect it. Mr. Martin and I signed and left in the office.

    It felt nice to take my bags and go down to Blockgate's staff room. I sat with Nia and Shoba to eat my breakfast pie. They were also eating breakfast at the same time. I got a cell phone call from Jess on WhatsApp to get 1M to come down to the music room. They too had their C major practical as 1L. The group was not ready for anything in terms of submissions for their coursework assignments. The first group I took outside of the music room was ready to try and submit. The other two groups had nothing ready and didn't bother. I had to go and get 1F right after that class was over.

    The Muslim boys remained and told me that they were fasting. I still brought them over for Jess to determine what would happen. She did not let them go to the library but kept them outside the music room in their back. There was some commotion with the attendance sheet.

    I helped Brad draw the low C tenor pan in his notebook to practice the scale, and Riley was confused. He took Hussain's book and came to me too. Only one group was able to do a recording of their soca song. However, the Wi-Fi connection was not good, and the children did not get to do their submission into the Google Classroom.

     At recess time, I went to the washroom and immediately got down to work. Until the end of lunchtime for our evening class, I was able to get the lesson part finished and exercises to compose after school. I had a nice chat with Mrs. Santana and Mr. Charles while doing work in the staff room. Miss Jess met me outside Block C's staff room. I got to Block A and there was an incident in 1F. Mrs. Pope’s voice was heard all through the corridors.

    It took a very long time for Shiva to come to take his evening attendance. I did not want to enter the classroom until he had come and taken attendance. Some children were more restless than in the previous 1F class. Some of them ran off down the corridor and ended up leaving me just before school had left again. Hopefully, one group will get their work done. She came back and did recordings with two groups. “Mr. Khan” and “Mr. Samlal’s” group chose a dancehall beat. However, they were asked to do over the recording with a soca beat.

    She left the class with a few students to do practical tests that they had missed the previous day. The troublemaker Aliasah came back and asked him if he could come back to class. I sent him off in anger and shut the door in their faces. The door went right in and I continued to sit back and supervise the children. I took the time to start the lesson on ambition and questions were also composed. This was all completed before the end of class. The children were able to leave 5 minutes before school was over for the shuttle.

    They had one of the lobby chairs in the Admin office placed back at my desk. I felt so angry to pack up everything and have them migrate over to Block A for the rest of our stay at Falzine. Sitting for a while in the staff room, Shiva said that Jess had yelled him up because he had sent the children off to the library instead of letting her decide what to do. At least it was like he got a taste of what it's like being in that boat.

    On the contrary, I did tell them to let them know if I missed that they were going to the library. Maybe their misbehaving attitudes too did not make them want to go and tell Miss. She left sometime after I got back in the Block C staff room and asked me to make another book just like I did for St. George's College Song with the other two national songs This is Our Flag and Our Nation's Dawning for Steel Pan.

    This was something I did not want to do because it was not something I chose to do. However, with time I would like to see if I would be able enough to come up with those two books. As we were waiting, Mrs. Dreykeran came in and told us that there was a fire in the AV room above the principal's office. She sat in the sitting area by the couches and ate her Mario's burger. I started to laugh and she called me wicked. I didn't care.

    We started to pack up immediately and left the compound early. That same evening I had class with Ash and because he did not do his homework we had to take the entire two hours doing the homework and correcting it.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 3:37 pm)

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