Tuesday, March 5, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #61) – Day #275

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 05 March 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 28 April 2024)

[T2, W:10 – WD:41, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    Yesterday was a principal's holiday after the sports day on Friday. I went to bed after 3 AM this morning but was able to get up on time. Yes, it was not easy, but I did it. On to Hartlock Street. The front driver had one seat to go, and then he closed the door. I realized that they had filled up already. That driver was Shiraz.

    I took the maxi behind, and that driver needed 3 more persons. We had 3 nice Venz guys in the back. The vans who sat by the door seat had a nice cross airing. It was nice to see, but I don't think there's something I would do. I was the first to exit the maxi. I praised God for a quick and safe crossing of the road.

    I met Crystal in the office, and some of the other teachers, Mrs Santana and Mr Payer were matching me with blue today. A lot of other teachers, non-Mitchell house teachers, were also in blue. Maybe they were in protest that Mitchell should have been placed first in both matching and chantwell for the sports day. I know that today is the first Tuesday of the month, but maybe we might have a staff meeting.

    I went to meet “Jess” early, and we went to class. We sat in with 1M, and then she took me to 1M during the period for our session. I checked our students' work while she sat by the teacher's desk and listened to the children singing. I sat with Zippora's group and worked out the music and rhythm to help them with their song. They did not like the rhythm that Jess gave them, so I worked out each line for them to the same beat. They did not get enough time to practice the song for the evening. All of the recess was used to finish this work.

    There was a staff meeting after. I went to the washroom quickly, and then to the library. Staff meeting began. The topics for the staff meeting were numerous:

  • SPORTS DAY: The expenditure for Venture Sports, donations, trophies, credit, ambulance, and releases. We were told that the overall expenditure was $20,870.
  • There were MOE policies discussed in terms of field trips, downtime policy, roster requests, special book and approval required books, leaving compound protocol, and guests on school compound protocol.
  • There were also financial committee members' requests to start a committee dealing with the school finances. Ms. Burnett and Ms. Roberts were both willing to assist Dr. Jokey D. Klein.
  • The school advanced six years without a vice-principal.
  • Tuesday's concert was discussed by Ms. Jessop. We were told that it was a cultural competition with costumes in the morning with music calypso and soca competitions. The afternoon would be a jump-up. Friday would resume on day one.
  • There was also a guest, a past student of George's. He sat in 1998 and 1979. He shared with us his accomplishments in sports and his company in tutoring and teaching students.
  • Exam paper, timetable by HOD to organize, FAC email, teacher's email issue, mock exam by 26th of February to begin.
  • Maths field day, 14 guests, Form 3 and 2, 1st of March.
  • Science field day, 3 guests, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, 19th of March.

[End of the meeting.]


    I sat with Mrs. Santana, Mr. Peay and Dr. Jokey. I did not get the figure in full for the expenditures. The meeting had a very strange ending. I was not sure if Ms. Gittens would be coming back to school again. At lunchtime, I got copies of the music for the group that I had worked out over recess. The girls from the Sephora group were not in class.

    One student held onto the sheets for them, but I met up with the girls in the hall during lunchtime for the practice. Many of the foremen were in the hall with chess during lunchtime, so I stayed with them until the end of school. I became the DJ for recording the names of students and also the songs that they composed for both Form 1 and 2. I also had to deal with the music.

    “Maria” didn't come today and Suzanne didn't say anything. I didn't bother to get angry about it. I had finished up my pie called Daddy and walked down the road. The first maxi could not stop. Unfortunately, the second one stopped for me to hurriedly walk down the road. I was so tired I fell asleep in Daddy's car. He brought me Coca-Cola to wake me a little.

    I was glad to finally converse with someone a few short minutes after 6 p.m. to ask for assistance in seeking permission for my Tutor Anthem video on YouTube to receive approval for me to change the status of Unlisted to Public. The video was already on YouTube. I hoped that this lady would be able to help. It was in the nick of time before tomorrow's meeting. I messaged John that same night about the update.

    I was outside in the gallery and at that point, “Yash” had sent me a message to confirm if we were having classes tonight. That was a good reminder. I had completely forgotten about class time working outside to make up time. As I was sitting up at 7.52 p.m., I was worried that I was teaching him but he would not have been able to understand. He was able to understand crotchet beats which were taught earlier but the mini beats were giving him trouble.

    Thankfully, jokes and some Trini dialect helped. It took two hours and finally, he understood. The session began with a review of everything which was 15 minutes and then the time signatures from scratch. I felt so tired and I had to go to bed early. I played four rounds of bingo and I was out. I did not even get to read a chapter. The night was too exhausting and hot.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:21 am – 4:22 pm)

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