Monday, March 4, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #61) – Day #274

 Date for Entry: (Monday 04 March 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 28 April 2024)

[T2, W:10 – WD:40, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had a hard job to wake up. I ended up visiting Whisper late after giving up on the gallery colouring book and decor. There began to be a rip-off where you had to have a certain amount of energy to pay for canvas. I did not like having to pay 30 points of energy for one canvas. That was too much.

    On Lockheart Street, I saw “Sharaz” speaking with the new driver who took me in the maxi to Valsane. There was one Georgian girl to drop off with and as soon as “Lady Valsayn” walked onto Lockhart Street the music changed. I was again hurrying to school but thankfully assembly was still going on.

    I met “Jess” by the staff room after eating breakfast and parking and went over to 1M. Susan was still taking roll. The children had to copy the tenner pan in their notebooks and they did their rolling exercise with Jess. They had to walk back down to the classroom because Miss Roberts had 3F in the music room for the first two periods.

    1F was right after a double period with 1M and they were taken to the music room. Mrs. Santana had them standing quietly in the class. I made them remain standing with Jess and she allowed them to sit down. They had the same as 1M but everyone took turns doing C major ascending until recess. I spoke with Miss Kittens about Bible study in the corridor and then went over to Block A and sat in the cool breeze.

    Mrs. Ramsingh offered to buy Parsad with sweets but I asked for the sweets alone. I decided to work on a diagnostic test for the second portion of the book and was able to get 65% out of questions for that full-time until the end of lunchtime. I met back with Jess in the staff room. She moved on her own without saying anything and told me to go ahead.

    Shiva was still taking attendance in 1L and I waited by the door for her to go inside and get the children lined up to go back down to the music room. I walked in front of the Muslim children who were kept back with us from going to the library. They kept our front in the sun for us. We got the door open for a girl to be set free. She was locked in. This was the girl who liked to play the drums.

    The session took a long to finish. I left and packed up early to go to the staff room. As I was about to leave for a maxi, Mr. Raymond gave me a ride out to Curepe. Daddy was glad to have the early leave. Andrew was already in the car. I completed major skills in the book and then went to work on God of Vengeance for Steel Pan. A lot of repeats were occurring in the song but I got to the sixth minute. I had a half-hour walk and then gamed on the tablet before bed.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 3:18 pm)

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