Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Musicology (Assessment #3)

 Date for Entry: (Forgotten/Unknown)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 20th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I got back my Mid-Term Paper for Musicology 1. The Musical period we had to study for this exam was the Twentieth Century. This exam was one of the most challenging of all in these courses because there was a lot to differentiate and also to know the differences of six different groups of music from the excerpt recordings we had to listen to and study in preparation for this exam. When I saw the mark thirty-one out of fifty, I was a bit disappointed and felt like I failed but looking on the positive side, it was acceptable by me.



  1. Musicology Quiz 3 (Twentieth Century).


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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