Sunday, April 17, 2016

Church Visit Performance

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[Sunday April 2016]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 16th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    A few days ago, Mr. Lewis gave me a call and asked me if I was interested in performing for a concert that would be today after my church service and the Sunday School pan. The two pieces I had planned and scored out on my Musecore program to perform were “Hide Me Now” and “Open the Eyes of My Heart”.

    I ended up reaching a bit late because there was Sister Act 2 on Television and I really love that show. I bet I could do a lot of lines by heart. At the event, it was at the Good Shepard Anglican Church. It was the last performance for the morning and I also saw my friend Elizabeth from Mr. Lewis’ classes. It was a nice surprise to see her and her mom there since they don't come by to class that much. 

    The performance went well or alright I suppose. To me it felt like some of the people didn’t really care what I was doing and ignored me but oh well. I just continued to play the two pieces as best as I could. It’s simply a time to play two songs on my Tenor pan and then exit. That's all.

    When my playing was over, someone else took the microphone and then they went to talk. I took the pan out of the hall and went in the road to hand it to daddy in part to put in the car. Then Mr. Goodridge called me out before leaving and gave us some food to carry and an envelope. I thanked them for the experience and the food. Daddy and I left shortly after. I got back to Curepe at House One.



  1. Photograph of Envelope.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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