Thursday, April 14, 2016

Last Class Before (Applied Music 2) Jury

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 14th April, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 16th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was my last Applied Music Class for the Semester with Mr. Sharma. We did a run-through of the piece I was going to be doing and then we did it again in Studio 1. For a short remainder of the time, my friend Monique was here as she had Piano class with him right after and she find it was good. 

    When the class finished, I paid Mr. Sharma sixty dollars for my new Grade 5 Booklet for pan exams (2012-2014 edition) and then left school. I plan to go through some of the pieces during the summer for a good head start.



  1. Grade 5 Steelpan Exam Booklet (Receipt).
  2. DCFA Steelpan Exam Book - Grade 5 Tenor (2012-2014). (Permission for sharing not granted.)


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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