Monday, April 18, 2016

Grade 1 Practice

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[APRIL 2016]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 20th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today at Mr. Lewis’s classes he finally gave me a grade one past paper. Since I was doing theory past papers for the Royal Theory (ABRSM) exams, he started me on a Grade 2. All this time I wanted to do the Grade 1 exam and since I finished my Grade 5 which is the one he stops at, he decided to let me do the Grade 1.

    As I sat down with some other students doing Graded past papers higher than me. When I was finished I went in search of Mr. Lewis to correct the papers and then he was talking to someone on the phone in one of the other rooms. When he saw me by the door, he watched me hard like if there was a question to ask me. 

    He told the person on the phone about me wanting to do the Grade 1 and ask them, “If you had from Grade 2 up to Grade 5, would you even want to go and do the Grade 1 exam?” I could hear the person from the phone saying "no" from far away but that was the both of them and not me. There was always a spot for that Grade 1 certificate in my certificate folder. He told me to go and cheek over the paper. After correcting it he gave me another one to do and I did it. 

    I knew that he was waiting for any opportunity to take off marks from the paper so that I wouldn’t get a hundred points. This was like his way of discouraging me but the exam will come and we will just see what my best for that exam will be. Not sure if it was a way of trying to pull something negative with me or if it was just a joke. 



  1. Grade 1 Papers (2009 C & S).
  2. DCFA Steelpan Exam Book - Grade 3 Tenor (2012-2014). [Permission for Sharing not granted.]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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