Monday, January 22, 2018

Music Degree (Yr1 Sem2)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

[Written as Report]

Dear Diary, 

    Today was the first day of my semester two for the degree programme (year one). One of the similarities is that the courses become part two with the same timetable. The only difference would be the second English course would have different class times for plenary and tutorial, and my individual steelpan class with Mr Sharma.

    We had Aural Training 1 first in the evening with Mrs. Neaves. No Course Outline was provided but I’m sure that it will be the same usual kind of class as I know Musicianship to be. Right after a ten-minute break, there would be part two of the history class with Mrs. Ramlal. She gave us a printout of the course outline and sent out the attendance sheet.

    Tonight’s history class was the start of the pre-classical part of music history. Several more terms were provided for us to learn. I really appreciated the music that she played for us. It was long as it used to be. I felt alright as class was over but I know that over the coming semester it might feel unbearable. I see that we will have another paper and now a presentation. I’m not starting to feel nervous.

    In the Indian Classical Ensemble class, I did not see Eshay or Brandon again for the rest of the Semester. They did not come back. We were given the first piece of music which was a Bollywood song named Churaliya (See respective Journal entry for further discussion and other versions of this piece.).



  1. Western Music History 2 – Course Outline.
  2. Western Music History 2 - Handouts.
  3. Indian Classical Course Outline.
  4. Churaliya (Version1).


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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