Monday, January 22, 2018

Aural Training 2 - (MUSC 1105)

Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 31st May 2022)

[Written as Report]

Dear Diary,

    The following literature below is an account of my experience in the Aural Training Two course. It began on the date of entry above. No course outline was saved for the course. All other available documents and photographs from the courses are provided by links below or for request by email.



** Tuesday 20th February 2018 **

    This is the Carnival semester and as usual, the class was asked to analyze a panorama arrangement for this year. We were given the choice to select a band. I decided to pick Starlift again. There were a lot of times that I had to wait for my turn to present but I took the opportunity on the said date of this entry.

    For this presentation, I did go “up and out” as they did in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We had to do a discussion detailing the tune of choice, the band, aspects of the arrangement by sections, and any demonstrations if possible. My demonstration focussed more on the strumming patterns by the double seconds, guitars, and cellos. I had a feeling that some parts of it were wrong.

    Apart from the documents I did for the presentation, I made a carnival postcard and a map from DCFA down to Starlift. The postcard was two sheets of red Bristol board decorated with coloured pieces of Bristol boards. I also had small handmade Tenor pans that I drew and coloured on circular-cut pieces of white Bristol board. Over more than a year, this postcard was then discarded and dismantled for the creation of another DAPHA Project.

    The map from DCFA to Starlift was then presented in class. I had to get the assistance of some of the class members to open it out because the length of it was not so early to handle by ten persons alone. We had to lay it over the grand piano in Studio One where it was revealed. It was funny that even the grand piano with the size it possessed was still too small to hold the rest of the map. The rest of the entire class had to line up and hold it from touching the floor.

    At the time of making it, the period between creation and presentation was too close and I did not have a Bristol board. I used loose sheets of letter-sized paper to create the entire map. It has a lot of crumples and is not easy to fold in. I am not sure if I (within) will ever find it to recreate the entire thing on some Bristol board. Towards the end of the presentation, which took a long time, I handed in my assignment documents to Mrs. Neaves, and she commented in whispers to the class, “Hmm! The first submission with accountability statement and everything.”

    On Saturday 3rd September 2022 the edited video was created and it became a DAPHA Project.


  • Class Presentation - Recording.


** Tuesday 6 March 2018 **

This time around the sight-singing and rhythmic sight-reading came with a new checklist. It was very exciting to see how the person came up with the method of reading. I can’t recall what difficulty I had in the rhythmic work. However, looking at the theory mark, I was very happy indeed. These documents were returned to the class on Monday 12th March 2018, two days after my birthday.




** Monday 26th March 2018 **

We were in Studio 4 today. A very light conversation was done with a newspaper article. Because of the time then and the time of making this journal entry, all contributions and topics on the article were not remembered.




** Monday 21st March 2018 **

There was a very short excerpt given to us. We were asked to analyze it as homework. The return is the date written on this division.




** Tuesday 27th March 2018 **

One exam went just earlier this month and the second in-class exam came right after. I recall being given a quintuplet in the middle of the rhythmic sight-reading. Everyone in the class did not get it out. We had the listening theory exam in Studio One that day, which was difficult for me in the experience. I still see that I could not work out the types of cadences. It was hurting to see Sam in pain again that day.




** Monday 27th March 2018 **

On the ending side of the semester, Mrs. Neaves gave us an exercise to write out a melody from any song on manuscript paper. She said that she had noticed many people using software and some people were aware of the order of clef, key signatures, time signatures, beaming, stems, groupings of notes and rests, etc.

    I felt lucky that I had a sheet of manuscript paper in my folder that day. When I was asked to write out a melody, I decided to write Trinidad and Tobago’s national anthem. It might have been too long for the exercise but it was one of the easiest ones I could do on the spot. Some time had passed and when miss passed around to look, she said looking down at mine saying, “Emm-Hmm!”

    Only towards the end of the short class, she had asked me if I wanted to play it. I responded yes and went to the piano. The rest of the class was asked to do the various parts as we did in General Musicianship 1 during the certificate program.

    Once the fanfare was done, the entire class ‘entered’. I felt very happy but also nervous because I had never practised the melody on the piano before so I did not want to spoil it. I mainly had to think of the Tenor Pan to do this. Once the playing was over, it was also the end of class.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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