Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Music Theory 2 - (MUSC 1106)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23rd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the start of Music Theory 2 class. As soon as class began, we were given a copy of the course outline and then dived right down into the heavy and strenuous work. The topics themselves were hard and confusing.

    I was glad that this course was the only one for the evening, unlike yesterday. We had the first of the second English course this morning. It is called Writing for the Visual and Performing Arts. Miss Dennis again is the teacher for the course and it begins at ten in the morning.

    Before Music Theory, I met with Mr. Sharma and he gave me some scores as options for my individual steelpan class.


    Over some time, Mr. Sharma gave me a composition of his to try which was the Intermezzo for piano and Pan. Unfortunately, he did not find it good enough for me to do for the jury exam. He found that it was too troublesome for the two of us to do. I still liked it a lot. I ended up doing a piece by Dr. Remy called Fiddle-Faddle. I cannot recall the name of the second piece that was done for the final jury exam that semester.


  1. Music theory 2- Course Outline.
  2. Homework Assignment Sheets.
  3. Saraband(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  4. Variations on Mango Walk(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  5. Intermezzo for Piano and Pan(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  6. Fiddle-Faddle(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  7. Office Hours Notes[DOCUMENT LOST] 


On the first assessment, we were given two systems of music to write. The first was just as regular homework where I had to fill in the chords and label them. The second question on the other page was SO not easy. It was a nightmare looking at the markings that Mrs. Ramlal left after grading the paper.




The second assessment was given as a composition in four-part writing.  Upon this time for presentation, it was a Friday evening I had to present but I could not make it to class. I had to be done in the Big UWI (Main Campus) at the Daaga Auditorium to assist in the arrangement of the instrument and final rehearsal for the Musics of the Diaspora Concert. 

    When I realised that the deadline for the presentation and rehearsal was on the same day and at the same time, I got worried. So, I left whatever I was doing in school and went up to visit Mrs. Ramlal. She seemed to be having a thesis meeting but she took what I had to say to let me go back to Intermediate Ensemble.

    I asked her if it was possible to make a PowerPoint on the demonstration for the presentation and have myself record the discussions. She said, “Sure, yeah. That will do.” I thanked her and went back to Mr. Mannette’s class.

    It was only until even before the start, I saw Brandon from Indian Classical and he told me about it. I just wished I had asked someone to record the experience of the presentation so that I would get a comprehensive understanding of it all. Mrs. Ramlal too gave me her feedback and it seems as if it was a hit. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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