Monday, January 22, 2018

Indian Classical Ensemble - Degree (Yr1 Sem2)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The following entries below are an account of the transcription and learning process of the pieces of music done for the semester. All of these pieces (except for the Raag Jaunpuri) were then performed at the Music of the Diaspora 'Concert'.

    Friends Brandon and Eshay did not return to the ensemble but a new girl named Kelsey became a friend of mind and music was sent to her along with all other members who provided their email contact to me.


  1. Course Outline - Indian Classical Ensemble.



The first piece of music that was taught in the ensemble for the semester was a Bollywood piece called Churaliya. My experience with the piece Raag Sohini had me too tired from all the various versions of transcriptions done. I thought that I could save ink from the printer if I wrote it out and then send it off as an email to the other members.

    A short playing of the piece was done from YouTube and then we were asked to copy the Sargam from the whiteboard. I truly enjoyed learning the beginning of the song. It was amazing learning out the rest as the rest of the Mondays in the semester went by.


    1. Chura Liya (Versions 1-8).** [By Request Only]
    2. Chura Liya - Versions 9.



    More students came to join us in class. Mr. Maharaj gave us the first five scales one night and the second set on the other one. I got him to pronounce the names of the scales so that they can be written in the document. Some changes were made and these too were added to the little handbook that I had put together.


      1. Indian Thaats (Version 2-4).**
      2. Indian Thaats (Version 4).**
      3. Indian Classical Handbook.



      Another Bollywood piece was prepared by the entire ensemble. It was truly a very rhythmic piece. Only some months at the end of the semester I decided to revise the score but did not get to do so. It has not been done just yet. All of my transcriptions were deleted in the process of saving them on a flash drive in 2021, at the end of completion of the degree.

          Not much work was needed for it thankfully. However, there were a lot of sections and fills that had to be done for it.


        1. Mehendi Laga Ki Rakhana - Version 4.



        Parts of two classes were used for this piece. Unfortunately, not much attention was given to it and it was not completed in class. There was space for it at the Diaspora 'Concert’ but it seems like I will take what is given and create a piece out of it myself.

            I could already see the whole class did not care to learn the music and I knew there was no student beside myself who practised it. A night in the class came when Sir started to sing it and I was able to play back half of the song. Sadly, I was held tightly behind my neck and threatened to not continue by another student in silence. Took me two days to get over that particular pain in my neck. Class for Mr. Sharma and Intermediate was not good at experiencing it.


          1. Raag Jaunpuri (Version 1-2).
          2. Raag Jaunpuri - Version 4.


          EK AJNABI.

          This was a piece that was revised probably more than Raag Sohini. A lot of the class nights were taken on this piece and then on the final two pieces. I feel this was the reason why Raag Jaunpuri was not able to be done. We had a lot of students in the class and organising who to play what was the next issue.


            1. Ek Ajnabi (Version 4-8).** [By Request Only]
            2. Ek Ajnabi - Version 9.


            GULABI AANKHEN.

            This piece of music did not require many heavy amendments. There were three simple versions made and the class seemed to learn this one quickly.


              1. Gulabi Aankhen (Version 1-4).** [By Request Only]
              2. Gulabi Aankhen - Version 5.


              JAUN KAHAN BATA AYE DIL.

              A Monday night late into the semester, only Mr. Maharaj and I were early and waiting for seven. While we were waiting, he spoke to me about music transcription. When he sat down by the piano, he decided to start the music for me to start writing it out in Western style for the others to follow when they come.

                  I was lucky I had a manuscript page in my folder. I got it out and listened to what he was playing. It was a familiar song that I knew too. I had a good idea of the key and I was right when I tried out the first measure and a piece. We had the whole piece down in those thirty minutes and then class started with this. Sir took my manuscript paper to the projector and we started with that song. Afterward, the rest of the music was worked on. This piece too did not need a lot of amendments.

                  I was very proud of myself for working out the music on the spot alone. A part of that night had another experience. At one point during the music transcription session by ween Mr. Maharaj and me (second part of the song), I saw an imaginary green board in a faded colour appear, and white markings of the rhythms I needed were written out. It looked like white chalk on a green chalkboard. It did not stay but moved from right to left as if it was the headlines traveling on the bottom of the television screen during the news. I've never encountered a remarkable experience like that before.


                1. Jaun Kahan Bata Aye Dil. – Manuscript Transcription.
                2. Jaun Kahan Bata Aye Dil. – Version 4.


                [UPDATE #1]

                    During the Semester, I was given a score by my friend Karen. It was one that she had to earn for a course. She told me that it was for a group assignment and someone had created this for them. I had a feeling that I might have t do that course too. She was in her final year and it was the music degree as well. The name of the piece was “Hai Apna Dil”. I did not know the name but when I sight-sang the first two measures I knew the melody right away.


                  1. “Hai Apna Dil” (Score).

                  Daryl Zion M. Ali

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