Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Writing for the Visual and Performing Arts (TRIAL 1)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23rd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This journal entry is an account of my journey through the course Writing for the Visual and Performing Arts. Just like the Indian Classical Ensemble’s journal entry, it will provide a ‘report entry’ on the various assignments that was asked of us to complete and submit for marking.

    Other works either by plenary or tutorial that was found necessary for sharing and archiving are considered. The plenary teacher for The course this semester was Ms. Janique Dennis. The tutorial instructor from my class selection was Ms. Lenore Greaves.


  1. Course Outline – Writing for the Visual & Performing Arts.



    This assignment was done nine times by hand before it could have been the submission product. I was a bit shocked at the scratches on the paper when it was returned to me. The nutmeg passage was homework and another passage was given as the credit assignment, which was returned on Friday 9th of March 2018.


  1. “All Hail the Nutmeg” Homework Exercise.
  2. Informal to Formal English –Credit Assignment #1.



    There was a credit assignment on both topics. We were allowed to find literature on the theme eros and do a summary of the writing and then an annotated bibliography. The reading material had to match our art discipline. I enjoyed how Ms. Greaves drew a Venn diagram to show the differences between summary and paraphrase.


  1. Summary Writing – Tutorial Notes.
  2. Annotated Bibliography Homework



    This assignment was a bit rough. Even to sit down for the entire three hours of the plenary was not easy for this topic. The piece that was asked of s was to critique is “Dance like We’re Making Love” by Ciara. Just the instrumental aspect of the music was amazing.

    Usually, in a critique of this type of assignment, we are given a piece to comment on and then compare it to another piece of music. That piece had to match the theme. With the theme being eros, I chose a piece by Janet Jackson called “Rock with You”. Immediately, when I was doing the assignment that piece from Ms. Jackson came to mind. I didn’t know the music from both singing but thankfully I knew the extra song for the sake of the assignment.

**The written critique will be present in the portfolio 

(Credit Assignment 3).



This was an assignment that I did not want to do. I decided to take care of one exercise a day. They also had us placed into groups and there were three of us. I did music, Latoya did dance and Rashaan did visual arts. I had a good time working with them in the little meeting periods. Rashaan wasn’t registered for the course and Ms. Greaves did not send back a mark sheet for him. It was nice to see that I got a good mark.

    For this assignment, we were asked to do critique, summary writing and reflective writing which I knew I was not going to be strong at doing. I did not even do the reflections that Ms. Denis had asked us to do on each week’s plenary. The three of us most likely did not do the reflections and we had an eventful time rushing down the assignment.

    I remembered Latoya and me typing to help Rashaan get the work done last minute. I should have asked for an email to see the full document before it was printed. There was some piece of writing that was supposed to be done to the front and we didn’t do it but I’m glad that I was able to do the work and it was alright by the teacher.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

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