Sunday, December 10, 2017

Aramalaya Christmas Concert Service (2017)

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 10th December 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 19th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning I woke up at half five to get ready for Church. I was supposed to be part-taking in the Concert today. Mr. Sharma and I would be doing a duet for the “Oh Holy Night” as the last part to conclude the play. I also had to dress up in a costume. It looked like a long grown in a light pink and it had a headpiece for it as well.

    I did not want to dress in any church clothes to go this morning. Instead of wearing a white shirt and long sleeve, I organized with dad and Nadara to bring my white shirt from Curepe as if I was dressing to go to school because to do all of this on a day before a hard exam and having that bad feeling of not wanting to study was a bad vibe. Together I was surprised that I was not nervous at all.

    It felt good and amazing to be dressed like that. It made me feel complete as I was dressed like a nun. I would have liked to say monk but the headpiece changed the entire look and having my cross chain around my neck made it look exactly so.

    Along with the performance I had work to do for the History Exam as well. I took my copybook to church with me yesterday during the practice and that was not helpful because it was just feeling like too much to do. I went home and researched Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation and did a lot of writing. I also researched the composers for Byrd and Tallis Saturday night.

    When I got home from Church and from Curepe at one in the afternoon, I sat down in front of the television and had my tablet. I felt like my mind and brain had refused to take anymore studying. I just gave up and did not bother to go through anything else because it’s been a long semester and I just needed it to be over with.


  1. "O Holy Night" Medley.
  2. Church Programme.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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