Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Double Assessment Day

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23rd February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 13th September, 2021)


    This morning as I was in the car heading in the street for class, I realised that I forgot my textbook at home. More surprisingly, I had a coursework exam instead that I forgot about and that I didn’t even study for it. I didn’t even study the long two legal sheets of musical terms and signs in foreign languages that Mrs. Neaves gave us to look at.

    The exam was the same two assessments of the previous exams in semester one. The first part was aural, in which again I had to clap a rhythm and also sing a short excerpt of music using SOLFEG. The rhythm was quite simple although I had forgotten to repeat it because there was a repeat sign on the two sides of the single system. 

    The written part of the exam was good. I was glad that SATB came because it was delicious like chocolate. There was this part with the technical name that gave me problems but this time I gave up my papers quickly and was the second one to come out. Then there was this part with transposing but I did it and handed up the paper quickly to go revise for Musicology.

    This paper was returned to us on Tuesday 1st of March along with our Panorama analysis exercise. On that day it was Mama's birthday and Zida, Kerrie and Shalma were there early in the morning. I was going to school from there too. It was a bit nice to see them before leaving but I had to hurry to the class that morning because the Musicianship class was about to start. I was very surprised to see a high mark: 13 out of 15. I still felt bad for not getting out questions eight and nine. It was a very close one.


    During lunchtime after a group review, I went back to Studio 4 and did some writing for the next novel I was working on. I showed my friend Elizabeth from Mr. Lewis’ Lessons some of the stories and we spoke about the exam this morning. At that same time, Natasha’s group was practising their samba song for tomorrow. It sounded good but I hoped that my arrangement would have been acceptable for the most.

    The exam was alright for Musicology later that evening. It was a listening where we had to answer questions from about five different pieces of music from the periods of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque. It was a bit challenging because at the moment while the first song began, I literally fought to find the answers in my mind but I just went through the papers and gave the best answer that I could have given. 

    In the end, Miss Nicholas gave us a ten-minute break, which I think I got to strengthen my friendship with some of the others from my certificate classes. I was glad the class was over so I could get to go home and practice my pieces of music for tomorrow and also for the "Sabilu" presentation tomorrow. 

    There was a lot of changes I made tonight. I eventually got the full score to 31 pages and I also got a picture of the Mark sheet from Eric on WhatsApp. He made me feel happy by thanking him he called me “sir” which was nice. From the mark sheets that he sent to me, I did over a completely new one so that I can insert it into the booklet I made for the full score as it was already spiral bound. It was the first time I had used font size 10 on Microsoft Word before. 

    This Musicology exam paper was returned to us on  Tuesday 8th of MarchI was saddened at the marks I got because I realised that there were so many things I knew that it had all gone from me at the time. But the good part was that I had passed. 


  1. General Musicianship 2 - (First Assessment) Written Paper.
  2. Musicology 1 - (First Assessment).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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