Friday, February 19, 2016

A Bore Pan Today

 Date for Entry: (Friday 19th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 13th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I went to school a bit early. As I went to Mr. Sharma to get the keys he looked like he was now coming into his office with his bags in his hands. Then Tinesha came up and told us that two tenor pans were left outside in a practice room all night. W

    When we went to look, there was one that she took to practice on and there was the other vacant tenor pan. Mr Sharma told me that it was good to try out the tenor pan with the holes in them. He also told me, “They give out a vibrating sound as if you were to press the pedal on the piano.”

    Our class went well. There were a few mistakes in the tricky harmonic minor scales. I finally got out the hard Proficiency pieces with a little secret I found out myself just by looking a the notation. Then with the Piece, there was work to be done with the dynamics and need to speed up to meet the right tempo.

    I find that practice with the group went well because there was a need for the others to have a long break. Usually, for me working, I may go on and on without recess but when someone asked for a rest I gave them it. I may have even forgotten to think about giving them rests. I could have also seen it in the way they would go on in practice. 

    After a lot of drilling, we finally made it to Section F in the song, where there is a repeat sign. One of a few additions that were made and it went well, Thank God. However, I questioned if it was really necessary. The song went on for too long. But, not knowing about the music from the other two groups I did not know if it was long enough.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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