Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Weird and Fun Filled Wednesday

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 10th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 12th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

     Today as I got out of the room to get to class, I realised that I didn’t do my homework for my Introduction to World Music, which was to write a synopsis of an article Mrs. Neaves wanted us to give in one paragraph. While time was flying like a bat, I was there on the dining table in the Gallery trying to get the Newspaper on the tablet since the computer would have taken too long to start and the tablet was taking forever to work too.

    All of a sudden, I just decided to free-write some things into a paragraph quickly based on what I got to hand in because the internet also was not working in my favour. The class was alright today. I really didn’t like having to write a bunch of words on a paper but it was the only option to hand in rather than nothing (see music journal volume 7). 

    The country of the study was China for this session. Then Mrs. Neaves told us that there is a difference in cuisine because Chow Mein is the only Chinese food served in Trinidad. I found that very interesting.

    At the end of class, my group decided to have our first meeting to practice the some we choose “Sabilulangan”. This was the other part of my experience I had. So all I did was arrange the song, and distribute the parts to the musicians. Now I have to conduct them and bring the song to a musical sensual manner that is pleasing for the audience. 

    One of the parts I enjoyed the most was having to go to each instrument and help out with rhythm and finding easy ways for Eric and Tinesha on the Piano to play certain parts. I also liked having to hold the full score in my hands. That was really nice. There was also a lot of laughter we had while practising, especially for one of the syllables I used for teaching someone a particular rhythm. 

    Then at around half three, Mr. Murray came in with his piano student so we had to wrap up there for the day. Quianna and Eric carried back that lovely Gong from the percussion room. I choose that one over five little gongs they had from a bucket. I had returned back to the Pan Theatre with the Tenor Pan #4 I was using so I could attend the remaining minutes to my intermediate class. Mr Mannette asked me how come I reached so late but when I told him about the group presentation for Introduction to World Music, he said that he know the troubles it involved. 

    This class when well. I was surprised that even though I didn’t practice the next piece of the song they were doing presently but I got it out in one and I felt it within me. This was from the first page of “Song of Lopinot” going into the second. One of the sad parts was that the two girls who left had parts to do but the good part of it was that we were able to make up for it.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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