Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Twists and Turns in "Sabilu" (to Version 3)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 13th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I reached early before my group members to meet with Mr. Sharma about lessons for the pan. He wanted to move our class to Friday instead. Upon waiting, I decided to phone call Quianna because I saw another group in Studio 1 and then she told me that they moved it to half eleven to arrive at school.

    I went to get a tenor pan and I practised my pieces for intermediate and for Mr. Sharma's class. By the time Quianna and I decided to set up the instrument in Studio 1, I was assisting someone from the ensemble who had asked me to help him with the song we were learning “Song of Lopinot.” Could not say to help for long because other group members were coming in for the practice.

    While we wait for a very long period to start and wait for Eric to come, I went through the full score to see how best I can edit “Sabilulangan” and there were a few things to change. When it was time to play, I showed Tinesha the parts I changed in her part because she was having problems with a quaver rest so I took all of them out and let her play an extra quaver.

    The next problem was that Christine was playing the clarinet. A transposing instrument. She had to get her part transposed. It was a Bb clarinet she was using and I had to figure out some of her notes to concert pitch to make sure when I got home the transposition was done correctly.

    There was this girl who came into the room while we were practising and I saw how she was looking at the music from the piano. Some inputs were putting my tears into place but I burnt them in my heart as I was taught earlier in my life. To be facing all of this conflict and having no idea if I was doing the assignment correctly, I still continued with the work. 

    Eric had a few problems but I worked with him and we got it through. Some more music theory teaching was done again by myself. This time I had to do writing on the whiteboard. Tinesha had to keep count throughout the whole practice because she had to work out her part. But she told me that she would just play it out when she gets the score on Friday.

    As soon as I got home, I started to work on the changes to the song. It felt confusing and it didn’t feel good at all. After all, I was the only one pulling the group’s weight. So then after the computer lost the score twice, I just Whatsapp Tinesha and asked her if she could do the metronome count because Christine was needing desperate help with that.

    Thankfully, she agreed and I just fixed up the part with Eric and me since we were melody for the song. Now, I ended up playing my part with Tinesha’s part together. This was a huge gamble that I was not confident doing and we did not have enough members to do the counter melodies. All of the countermelodies were fused into my part in the tenor pan.


    The full score was printed again for the third time. On this day, we did not have our class in the morning because Mrs Neaves was not feeling well. It was yesterday I met her on the school corridor after group practice and she told us that she will put the performance presentations for next Wednesday. 

    In a way, I was thankfully for the extra time granted because I knew that my group was waaaay far from the end of finishing this piece. Even I too found that it was too long. I was worried that the members would not have even gotten to learn everything. 

    I have no idea how the other groups were progressing in their music and how they struggled with places to practice. Maybe they might have met up at someone's home or some other convenient way. I was also very curious as to the length of their full scores. 

    I can recall sitting with Adam and he was doing exactly what I had to do, probably not so much but he was telling me as I waited earlier how he had to get the members to come. He also mentioned how members would come and not bring their instruments or leave "their scores home and they have practice."


  1. Sabilulangan (Version 3) - Full Score for Submission.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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