Sunday, November 26, 2017

Aramalaya Choir Concert

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 26th November 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 19th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This afternoon I dressed myself up in my long-sleeve white shirt and black pants as I had to go to church to play steelpan with the Sunday School children. 

    They had to perform at a choir concert. The two pieces we were “Jesus Loves the Little Children” & "Hallu" by Mr. Sharma and “Ode to Joy” and "Jesus Loves Me" I did. 

   I got the music to what I had to play on the Double Tenor. This was fun doing the Double Tenor for the first time but I prefer this more than the Double Seconds. Some slips were made during the performance but I had a lot of fun still.




  1. Performance Video.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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