Monday, November 6, 2017

Aural Training 1 - Workshop #1

 Date for Entry: (Monday 6th November, 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 19th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today in my early morning English Plenary. I sat down with Karen in class again and we were with Anton as he called his sitting area “the south side” which was really not south. The lecture today was on the topic of the Extended Definition. This looked complex because in everything it was explaining everything and contained too many definitions. In the next part to make the complex even more complex, this style of writing was one that is used to combine the six different types and I still needed to learn all.

    The good thing about this class was that it was an hour and a half and it was still very extremely cold in there. I could not stay with Karen today as she always wants me to stay by with her and keep her company. I had started to make some charts for my Music Theory class so that I can learn it for the big exam to come in the few remaining days to come around.

    Today I got back my exam paper from Mrs. Ramlal for the History class and I was a bit shocked when I saw the mark but I was beginning to say in my mind “Well, just shut up and be happy because yuh pass de thing.” That was still making me feel as if I failed. We had our first Aural Training Assessment today and it went very well. Throughout this assessment, we had to listen to what Mrs. Neaves played for us on the Piano and then wrote back exactly what was asked for. I took a little longer at the end to hand up because there was a tricky question but I find it was very easy and nice to do.

    For the Aural Training workshop with Mr. Sadaphal. We went through the scale singing it as (doh: doh-re-doh, Doh-me-doh, Doh-fah-doh) and so on up the scale and descending in G Major. There was some confusion about what we should do because it was a mixed group of Certificate and Degree Students together in one room. We also did melodic writing where we had to write in a melody that he played on the piano onto the manuscript sheet. I only had one sheet of manuscript paper at the end of my textbook for the Aural Training class so I used that instead.

    Along with the first melodic dictation line, we had a second one and it was four bars long. The first one was given and this one when Mr. Sadaphal asked us to write it out no one went up so I corrected it. I did remember that when he came around to check what the students were writing he showed me the wrong note in bar three which was G4 and then I changed it to F#4. I knew what I wrote at first was wrong because I did not know which note to write in. After writing in my answer on the board, he then reminded us that a stem had to be almost an octave long.

    Before the class concluded, we also had two more sets of work to be done. The first one was to write out intervals on the manuscript paper I had to a given tonic note that Mr. Sadaphal would write on the board. Each one he played two to three times each. I was glad that I was able to get all correct. The final part of the class came from a hand-out with music for singing and this time we had to use SolSolfegefeg. I had wished myself good luck and began with everyone.

    The first one was easy enough to do because it was in C Major in exercise seven in the printed sheet that he gave us. The second was good and I did not make many mistakes again because I wrote out the Solfeg on the bottom of each note with my pencil for number eight and then nine which we did afterwards. When the exercise was over he asked us what was the purpose of the rest. Having this question asked I knew it was a good idea coming because when he answers that question, I know that a small gap missing knowledge such as this one will be filled. The answer was “A rest is not a pause. It is a stop for the singer to breathe.” 

    This made perfect sense but not fully since I then looked at his definition and compared it to the Tenor pan. I then took the Tenor pan that I had saved with the book stand in the classroom since the beginning of Western History Class. I went off forgetting that it had Brandon from the same class I could have walked over to Indian Classical with but I was now afraid that Mr. Maharaj did not get my message about me being late that I send him via cellular text message.

    I got inside Studio one and set the pan with Eshay and the Certificate Brandon as they still wanted to see my scores for the songs. There was a whole set of work for me to get but it was not that much since I noticed that the parts repeated themselves in the “Mehindi Laga Ke Rakhana” song. I heard that this was the only song they had been working on so far the whole evening and it was the only one too for the rest of the night. I made sure to take out my cellphone and record the song from top to bottom when we had the whole song.


  1. Sight-reading Exercise Sheet.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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