Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Aural Training 1 - Silent Night / Optional Harmonization Homework

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 1st November 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 19th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Last week was assessments. Today's pan lessons with Mr. Sharma came very early again, meaning that I was late. Well, almost late. When I got there, I saw him with a new book and he was practicing his music really hard. As I knocked on the door and opened it I greeted him with a good morning and a good smile and then he gave me the key to the storeroom. Walking down the corridor, it sounds really good, and then when I came back with the pan already hooked to the stand as I carried it into the room of Practice room fourteen he gave me the score for the Christmas Service Concert at church which was “Oh Holy Night.”

    When I saw the first line of it I was a bit shocked with the compound quadruple of the twelve-eight meter and then the six-eight but as I began to sigh-read it as Mr. Sharma said “this would count as a good exercise for sight-reading for today,” it was really that. Certain things I began to observe when I was playing, I was able to teach myself something from my mind. It came in good hands too, because it worked for the entire song and I was able to play the whole thing.

    For Intermediate Ensemble, we went through all the songs but we endured the harder sections first. Today was one of the more successful days of class. It went well and I also got to help a new certificate boy named Daniel with some of the rhythms like last Wednesday.

    When I got out of that class, I went to put my bags in Studio four and then went to the restroom and went back. I got a single chair to take off my sandals and put my feet up because my back and legs were still hurting from that torturous Intermediate class. I took out the binder to admire the composition “Wishing Well Appearance” I did for the story. Before class was to bring I saw that when Mrs. Neaves came by my right side and took a little peek into my binder folder with the last page of the composition on it and then went by the piano.

    The rest of the class went quickly and well. We had rhythmic clapping and dictation to write it out. At the end of the class, we had to do a short presentation. During last class’ melodic dictation, Mrs. Neaves gave us that same one for homework but this was optional. The weird part was that only Anton and I did it and we had to present. Since I was sitting in front as I usually do, Mrs. Neaves wanted me to go first. When she finished speaking to the rest of the students in the back, I asked her for some assistance getting the plug to connect my phone to the speakers. While I was playing it, it was there on the projector and everyone watched. It felt nice to have this happen because it was special.

    When playing was done, I had to say a little something about the work. I gave them the honest truth about having the song written out and that "there was no inspiration at all." No one said a word and then when miss asked me “What do you mean.” I just replied, "I just wrote it out like a normal assignment for Mrs. Ramlal" and everyone listened. 

    After they had a chat over the homework, Mrs. Neaves came and point out to them the techniques I used such as the second inversion and then the use of the figured bass at the bottom. There was another part where she asked me why I had so many changes in chords. To answer that I said that I wanted it to add a surprise effect to the second line and that made the class wonder what had just happened.

    She understood me and when she asked me to play it over, the phone battery died so I had to take off the phone from the jack and then return to my seat. Then Anton came up with his tablet and then he went on with his presentation. For his presentation he had the melody in a voice line and then a piano accompaniment happening. It was interesting but it sounded like the piano part was a bit empty. I truly didn't mean that as a bad thing.

    When Natasha came back during Anton’s presentation, she had to tell Mrs. Neaves that Mrs. Nicholas wanted to take the classroom earlier for her class. I was going to talk to Mrs. Neaves and then she walked everyone out so that Miss Nicholas in her Wheelchair can come in. I went on the side and showed her the composition I did for the story and she read it through with the lyrics. She said that I should send her a recording of it to check it for me. 

    I then went home to Curepe but after eating my dinner, I wanted to go back to my Tunapuna home since tomorrow is my Western History listening Quiz and I needed to prepare for it. It took me until after two in the morning to stop because I had no idea what to learn. However, I made some points from stuff about people and musical elements we did in class over this long and frustrating time. Some time afterward, I was grateful that Mrs. Ramlal was able to check out the same assignment. She left some pencil mark comments for me on the score.


  1. "Oh Holy Night" - Score.
  2. Optional Harmonization Homework - Score.
  3. Optional Harmonization Homework - Recording.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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