Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Aural Training 1 - "Lacrimosa" Class Performance

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 29th November 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 19th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today we had our final hearing examination which will go towards the end of Semester exams. The plan was to play “Lacrimosa” for Mrs. Neaves as a group for her since her mom died the week before. We knew it was one of her favourite songs so we got music in parts for those who were interested and we had our practice on Tuesday 28th after our Music Theory class with Mrs. Ramlal in Studio one.

    For this composition by Mozart, I played the Tenor pan to one of the soprano parts they got me and Nella was there on the next one. We had fun skating in some of the middle parts but we got it out well towards the end. We had a keyboard, Steelpan, Timpani, Saxophone, Trombone, and Voice going together. I find playing outside in the grass was a nice idea but doing it in the open space was probably what made the sound more difficult to hear.

    I also had a recording of the song on my WhatsApp account that someone posted in the “Degree 2016” group. The day I was added to it was the day that Mrs. Neaves's mom had passed away. It was also a sad time for me because the class was still going on and then when she broke out, I broke out silently as tears ran down my face. It took me a little while to calm down because tears were just pouring down my face and then a nice girl gave me a tissue. I had to hold it in because my Indian Classical group was going to start. It was only during class that Brandon asked me if I was feeling okay and I told him when Eshay was there what had happened.


  1. Funeral Program & Obituary for Urmilta Cox.
  2. "Lacrimosa" Score - (Tenor) from Performance.
  3. Two "Lacrimosa" Group Performance Photographs.


** Wednesday 3rd August 2022 **

    On this day, I was able to get a copy of the "Lacrimosa" performance and edit it for YouTube to send to the journal. It became a DAPHA Project at that point. I tried my best to work with what was done in the recording in a professional manner such as shakings and taking out extra periods of waiting. 

    This was not an easy task but I was proud of it and the group effort. Creating a cover picture for the video was another challenge but it was soon resolved when thinking of Mr. Archie. Thank you, Mr. Archie.


  1. Group Performance of "Lacrimosa" - Recording.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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