Friday, November 24, 2017

Jingle Bells & Silent Night - Arrangement

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[Friday 2017]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 18th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today is Friday and another Music Theory class to end the very long week. I also had to get to school quickly on time because I know that today is a day that Mr. Sharma leaves school early and wouldn’t come back. I had to get him the corrections to the “Jingle Bells & Silent Night” arrangement which he gave me to do. When I got to school I saw his wife there and they were in the parking area of the new area. I ran over quickly after getting the music from my bag and gave him it before he got into the car and drove away.



  1. "Jingle Bells & Silent Night" - Steelpan Arrangement.**


Sunday 5th November 2017.

    This morning in Church Mr. Sharma continued to teach the “Jingle Bells and Silent Night” arrangement that I did from where we left out last week. I was looking forward to going back on the six basses and trying the rest of the song but the little girl who was there wanted to go back on it since she couldn’t make up her mind to which instrument she wanted to play. The next part was that we had a new student coming today and I think she was Jimmy’s daughter. Mr. Sharma put me to teach her the song on Double Seconds and then now had to think of easy ways of getting the song to her.

    The class went well except for the new girl who I was teaching. I gave her tips about where to stand where to be when playing the instrument and how to hold the sticks as well as roll the notes. The only problem she had was understanding to play with the group and trying to feel the timing on her own, which made her semibreve rolls come off short-lasting to about a minim.

    Later that same evening I returned to Curepe where I went to write out the music for my Indian Classical Ensemble because from class on Monday after recording the music, I realize that some of my rhythms I originally had needed for editing and that Mr. Maharaj had put in extra things again. It took me about one hour and a half to sit down by the computer and write it out back from various replays on the cell phone. Dad was keeping check because he and Andrew were waiting for me to finish for long and this was talking long itself because there were some other difficulties in trying to figure out the rhythms for particular parts.

    In completing this, I printed out the four pages of music, had them scanned and then uploaded which was then copied and pasted into a Microsoft word document and then email to Karen, Eshay and Brandon. I also send it to Mr. Maharaj too. This made me feel good and special that I was able to do this and help my friends out who was getting problems with the song, as well as translating the Hindi solfege on the spot to the instrument we had to play.

    One thing I will be looking forward to tomorrow would be the Aural Training workshop where Mrs. Neaves has a Mr. Sadaphal coming in to teach us. This is a class we did not have to take but I wanted to go because even though I might not need it I would still like to see how it would be taught to a student and to also get more materials or methods of Solfeg practice. 

    The next thing I need to text Mrs. Neaves and ask her if it is still okay to attend the class and then if she says to send a message to Mr. Maharaj that I would be coming late to class. This was the next thing I did not like about the Aural training Tutorial because it was starting and ending at eight o’ cock in the night which meant that I was going to be missing a whole hour of my ensemble classes which happening at the same time.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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