Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Music Theory 2 - (MUSC 1106)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23rd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the start of Music Theory 2 class. As soon as class began, we were given a copy of the course outline and then dived right down into the heavy and strenuous work. The topics themselves were hard and confusing.

    I was glad that this course was the only one for the evening, unlike yesterday. We had the first of the second English course this morning. It is called Writing for the Visual and Performing Arts. Miss Dennis again is the teacher for the course and it begins at ten in the morning.

    Before Music Theory, I met with Mr. Sharma and he gave me some scores as options for my individual steelpan class.


    Over some time, Mr. Sharma gave me a composition of his to try which was the Intermezzo for piano and Pan. Unfortunately, he did not find it good enough for me to do for the jury exam. He found that it was too troublesome for the two of us to do. I still liked it a lot. I ended up doing a piece by Dr. Remy called Fiddle-Faddle. I cannot recall the name of the second piece that was done for the final jury exam that semester.


  1. Music theory 2- Course Outline.
  2. Homework Assignment Sheets.
  3. Saraband(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  4. Variations on Mango Walk(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  5. Intermezzo for Piano and Pan(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  6. Fiddle-Faddle(Permission for sharing was not granted.)
  7. Office Hours Notes[DOCUMENT LOST] 


On the first assessment, we were given two systems of music to write. The first was just as regular homework where I had to fill in the chords and label them. The second question on the other page was SO not easy. It was a nightmare looking at the markings that Mrs. Ramlal left after grading the paper.




The second assessment was given as a composition in four-part writing.  Upon this time for presentation, it was a Friday evening I had to present but I could not make it to class. I had to be done in the Big UWI (Main Campus) at the Daaga Auditorium to assist in the arrangement of the instrument and final rehearsal for the Musics of the Diaspora Concert. 

    When I realised that the deadline for the presentation and rehearsal was on the same day and at the same time, I got worried. So, I left whatever I was doing in school and went up to visit Mrs. Ramlal. She seemed to be having a thesis meeting but she took what I had to say to let me go back to Intermediate Ensemble.

    I asked her if it was possible to make a PowerPoint on the demonstration for the presentation and have myself record the discussions. She said, “Sure, yeah. That will do.” I thanked her and went back to Mr. Mannette’s class.

    It was only until even before the start, I saw Brandon from Indian Classical and he told me about it. I just wished I had asked someone to record the experience of the presentation so that I would get a comprehensive understanding of it all. Mrs. Ramlal too gave me her feedback and it seems as if it was a hit. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Writing for the Visual and Performing Arts (TRIAL 1)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23rd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This journal entry is an account of my journey through the course Writing for the Visual and Performing Arts. Just like the Indian Classical Ensemble’s journal entry, it will provide a ‘report entry’ on the various assignments that was asked of us to complete and submit for marking.

    Other works either by plenary or tutorial that was found necessary for sharing and archiving are considered. The plenary teacher for The course this semester was Ms. Janique Dennis. The tutorial instructor from my class selection was Ms. Lenore Greaves.


  1. Course Outline – Writing for the Visual & Performing Arts.



    This assignment was done nine times by hand before it could have been the submission product. I was a bit shocked at the scratches on the paper when it was returned to me. The nutmeg passage was homework and another passage was given as the credit assignment, which was returned on Friday 9th of March 2018.


  1. “All Hail the Nutmeg” Homework Exercise.
  2. Informal to Formal English –Credit Assignment #1.



    There was a credit assignment on both topics. We were allowed to find literature on the theme eros and do a summary of the writing and then an annotated bibliography. The reading material had to match our art discipline. I enjoyed how Ms. Greaves drew a Venn diagram to show the differences between summary and paraphrase.


  1. Summary Writing – Tutorial Notes.
  2. Annotated Bibliography Homework



    This assignment was a bit rough. Even to sit down for the entire three hours of the plenary was not easy for this topic. The piece that was asked of s was to critique is “Dance like We’re Making Love” by Ciara. Just the instrumental aspect of the music was amazing.

    Usually, in a critique of this type of assignment, we are given a piece to comment on and then compare it to another piece of music. That piece had to match the theme. With the theme being eros, I chose a piece by Janet Jackson called “Rock with You”. Immediately, when I was doing the assignment that piece from Ms. Jackson came to mind. I didn’t know the music from both singing but thankfully I knew the extra song for the sake of the assignment.

**The written critique will be present in the portfolio 

(Credit Assignment 3).



This was an assignment that I did not want to do. I decided to take care of one exercise a day. They also had us placed into groups and there were three of us. I did music, Latoya did dance and Rashaan did visual arts. I had a good time working with them in the little meeting periods. Rashaan wasn’t registered for the course and Ms. Greaves did not send back a mark sheet for him. It was nice to see that I got a good mark.

    For this assignment, we were asked to do critique, summary writing and reflective writing which I knew I was not going to be strong at doing. I did not even do the reflections that Ms. Denis had asked us to do on each week’s plenary. The three of us most likely did not do the reflections and we had an eventful time rushing down the assignment.

    I remembered Latoya and me typing to help Rashaan get the work done last minute. I should have asked for an email to see the full document before it was printed. There was some piece of writing that was supposed to be done to the front and we didn’t do it but I’m glad that I was able to do the work and it was alright by the teacher.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, January 22, 2018

Indian Classical Ensemble - Degree (Yr1 Sem2)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd January 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The following entries below are an account of the transcription and learning process of the pieces of music done for the semester. All of these pieces (except for the Raag Jaunpuri) were then performed at the Music of the Diaspora 'Concert'.

    Friends Brandon and Eshay did not return to the ensemble but a new girl named Kelsey became a friend of mind and music was sent to her along with all other members who provided their email contact to me.


  1. Course Outline - Indian Classical Ensemble.



The first piece of music that was taught in the ensemble for the semester was a Bollywood piece called Churaliya. My experience with the piece Raag Sohini had me too tired from all the various versions of transcriptions done. I thought that I could save ink from the printer if I wrote it out and then send it off as an email to the other members.

    A short playing of the piece was done from YouTube and then we were asked to copy the Sargam from the whiteboard. I truly enjoyed learning the beginning of the song. It was amazing learning out the rest as the rest of the Mondays in the semester went by.


    1. Chura Liya (Versions 1-8).** [By Request Only]
    2. Chura Liya - Versions 9.



    More students came to join us in class. Mr. Maharaj gave us the first five scales one night and the second set on the other one. I got him to pronounce the names of the scales so that they can be written in the document. Some changes were made and these too were added to the little handbook that I had put together.


      1. Indian Thaats (Version 2-4).**
      2. Indian Thaats (Version 4).**
      3. Indian Classical Handbook.



      Another Bollywood piece was prepared by the entire ensemble. It was truly a very rhythmic piece. Only some months at the end of the semester I decided to revise the score but did not get to do so. It has not been done just yet. All of my transcriptions were deleted in the process of saving them on a flash drive in 2021, at the end of completion of the degree.

          Not much work was needed for it thankfully. However, there were a lot of sections and fills that had to be done for it.


        1. Mehendi Laga Ki Rakhana - Version 4.



        Parts of two classes were used for this piece. Unfortunately, not much attention was given to it and it was not completed in class. There was space for it at the Diaspora 'Concert’ but it seems like I will take what is given and create a piece out of it myself.

            I could already see the whole class did not care to learn the music and I knew there was no student beside myself who practised it. A night in the class came when Sir started to sing it and I was able to play back half of the song. Sadly, I was held tightly behind my neck and threatened to not continue by another student in silence. Took me two days to get over that particular pain in my neck. Class for Mr. Sharma and Intermediate was not good at experiencing it.


          1. Raag Jaunpuri (Version 1-2).
          2. Raag Jaunpuri - Version 4.


          EK AJNABI.

          This was a piece that was revised probably more than Raag Sohini. A lot of the class nights were taken on this piece and then on the final two pieces. I feel this was the reason why Raag Jaunpuri was not able to be done. We had a lot of students in the class and organising who to play what was the next issue.


            1. Ek Ajnabi (Version 4-8).** [By Request Only]
            2. Ek Ajnabi - Version 9.


            GULABI AANKHEN.

            This piece of music did not require many heavy amendments. There were three simple versions made and the class seemed to learn this one quickly.


              1. Gulabi Aankhen (Version 1-4).** [By Request Only]
              2. Gulabi Aankhen - Version 5.


              JAUN KAHAN BATA AYE DIL.

              A Monday night late into the semester, only Mr. Maharaj and I were early and waiting for seven. While we were waiting, he spoke to me about music transcription. When he sat down by the piano, he decided to start the music for me to start writing it out in Western style for the others to follow when they come.

                  I was lucky I had a manuscript page in my folder. I got it out and listened to what he was playing. It was a familiar song that I knew too. I had a good idea of the key and I was right when I tried out the first measure and a piece. We had the whole piece down in those thirty minutes and then class started with this. Sir took my manuscript paper to the projector and we started with that song. Afterward, the rest of the music was worked on. This piece too did not need a lot of amendments.

                  I was very proud of myself for working out the music on the spot alone. A part of that night had another experience. At one point during the music transcription session by ween Mr. Maharaj and me (second part of the song), I saw an imaginary green board in a faded colour appear, and white markings of the rhythms I needed were written out. It looked like white chalk on a green chalkboard. It did not stay but moved from right to left as if it was the headlines traveling on the bottom of the television screen during the news. I've never encountered a remarkable experience like that before.


                1. Jaun Kahan Bata Aye Dil. – Manuscript Transcription.
                2. Jaun Kahan Bata Aye Dil. – Version 4.


                [UPDATE #1]

                    During the Semester, I was given a score by my friend Karen. It was one that she had to earn for a course. She told me that it was for a group assignment and someone had created this for them. I had a feeling that I might have t do that course too. She was in her final year and it was the music degree as well. The name of the piece was “Hai Apna Dil”. I did not know the name but when I sight-sang the first two measures I knew the melody right away.


                  1. “Hai Apna Dil” (Score).

                  Daryl Zion M. Ali

                  Western Music History 2 - (MUSC 1212)

                   Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd January 2018)

                  Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

                  Dear Diary,

                      Below are the contents of any homework, coursework, presentations and assessments done for the Western Music History 2 course at the Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA).


                  ASSESSMENT 1.

                  ** Thursday 1st March 2018 **

                  This was a written theory and listening exam. Mrs. Ramlal did the playing aspect first and then left us to finish the rest of the history questions. This paper was returned on the 5th of March 2018on the day of the post for the Destinations Known Challenge by the School of Composition. It was conducted on the 1st of March, which was mama’s birthday.



                  RESEARCH PAPER.

                  ** Monday 26th of March 2018 **

                  On this day, my research paper was submitted. It was a paper in that I did not feel confident. At first, the information was scarce until I got to the internet. I took my search to UWI library first to see what the music book section there was like. It was too depressing. Even the lighting in the place was not good. Coming closer to the due date, I still did not have a topic to write on. At the last minute, I decided to pick Salieri as my topic and see what his music journey was like.




                  * Date Unknown/Forgotten *

                  This presentation was a practical one. Each student was given the choice to work individually or in a group. We also had the choice to select our piece of music. The performance I did was “Concerto Grosso in G minor” and I was accompanied on the piano by Andrew Samlal. This piece was also done again for my individual steelpan jury. I was very nervous about the speaking part of the presentation. I chose to speak about some parts of the music type concerto and linked it to the era it belonged to.


                  • “Concerto Grosso in G minor” – Piano and Pan (Score).


                  ASSESSMENT #2.

                  * Date Unknown/Forgotten *

                  This was another exam as Assessment one. I am glad that both in-class assessments this semester did not carry an essay type question and that the results were better than the last term.



                  Daryl Zion M. Ali

                  Aural Training 2 - (MUSC 1105)

                  Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd January 2018)

                  Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 31st May 2022)

                  [Written as Report]

                  Dear Diary,

                      The following literature below is an account of my experience in the Aural Training Two course. It began on the date of entry above. No course outline was saved for the course. All other available documents and photographs from the courses are provided by links below or for request by email.



                  ** Tuesday 20th February 2018 **

                      This is the Carnival semester and as usual, the class was asked to analyze a panorama arrangement for this year. We were given the choice to select a band. I decided to pick Starlift again. There were a lot of times that I had to wait for my turn to present but I took the opportunity on the said date of this entry.

                      For this presentation, I did go “up and out” as they did in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We had to do a discussion detailing the tune of choice, the band, aspects of the arrangement by sections, and any demonstrations if possible. My demonstration focussed more on the strumming patterns by the double seconds, guitars, and cellos. I had a feeling that some parts of it were wrong.

                      Apart from the documents I did for the presentation, I made a carnival postcard and a map from DCFA down to Starlift. The postcard was two sheets of red Bristol board decorated with coloured pieces of Bristol boards. I also had small handmade Tenor pans that I drew and coloured on circular-cut pieces of white Bristol board. Over more than a year, this postcard was then discarded and dismantled for the creation of another DAPHA Project.

                      The map from DCFA to Starlift was then presented in class. I had to get the assistance of some of the class members to open it out because the length of it was not so early to handle by ten persons alone. We had to lay it over the grand piano in Studio One where it was revealed. It was funny that even the grand piano with the size it possessed was still too small to hold the rest of the map. The rest of the entire class had to line up and hold it from touching the floor.

                      At the time of making it, the period between creation and presentation was too close and I did not have a Bristol board. I used loose sheets of letter-sized paper to create the entire map. It has a lot of crumples and is not easy to fold in. I am not sure if I (within) will ever find it to recreate the entire thing on some Bristol board. Towards the end of the presentation, which took a long time, I handed in my assignment documents to Mrs. Neaves, and she commented in whispers to the class, “Hmm! The first submission with accountability statement and everything.”

                      On Saturday 3rd September 2022 the edited video was created and it became a DAPHA Project.


                  • Class Presentation - Recording.

                  ASSESSMENT #1.

                  ** Tuesday 6 March 2018 **

                  This time around the sight-singing and rhythmic sight-reading came with a new checklist. It was very exciting to see how the person came up with the method of reading. I can’t recall what difficulty I had in the rhythmic work. However, looking at the theory mark, I was very happy indeed. These documents were returned to the class on Monday 12th March 2018, two days after my birthday.



                  NEWSPAPER REVIEW.

                  ** Monday 26th March 2018 **

                  We were in Studio 4 today. A very light conversation was done with a newspaper article. Because of the time then and the time of making this journal entry, all contributions and topics on the article were not remembered.



                  HARMONIC ANALYSIS.

                  ** Monday 21st March 2018 **

                  There was a very short excerpt given to us. We were asked to analyze it as homework. The return is the date written on this division.



                  ASSESSMENT #2.

                  ** Tuesday 27th March 2018 **

                  One exam went just earlier this month and the second in-class exam came right after. I recall being given a quintuplet in the middle of the rhythmic sight-reading. Everyone in the class did not get it out. We had the listening theory exam in Studio One that day, which was difficult for me in the experience. I still see that I could not work out the types of cadences. It was hurting to see Sam in pain again that day.



                  MANUSCRIPT Vs. SOFTWARE.

                  ** Monday 27th March 2018 **

                  On the ending side of the semester, Mrs. Neaves gave us an exercise to write out a melody from any song on manuscript paper. She said that she had noticed many people using software and some people were aware of the order of clef, key signatures, time signatures, beaming, stems, groupings of notes and rests, etc.

                      I felt lucky that I had a sheet of manuscript paper in my folder that day. When I was asked to write out a melody, I decided to write Trinidad and Tobago’s national anthem. It might have been too long for the exercise but it was one of the easiest ones I could do on the spot. Some time had passed and when miss passed around to look, she said looking down at mine saying, “Emm-Hmm!”

                      Only towards the end of the short class, she had asked me if I wanted to play it. I responded yes and went to the piano. The rest of the class was asked to do the various parts as we did in General Musicianship 1 during the certificate program.

                      Once the fanfare was done, the entire class ‘entered’. I felt very happy but also nervous because I had never practised the melody on the piano before so I did not want to spoil it. I mainly had to think of the Tenor Pan to do this. Once the playing was over, it was also the end of class.


                  Daryl Zion M. Ali

                  Music Degree (Yr1 Sem2)

                   Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd January 2018)

                  Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

                  [Written as Report]

                  Dear Diary, 

                      Today was the first day of my semester two for the degree programme (year one). One of the similarities is that the courses become part two with the same timetable. The only difference would be the second English course would have different class times for plenary and tutorial, and my individual steelpan class with Mr Sharma.

                      We had Aural Training 1 first in the evening with Mrs. Neaves. No Course Outline was provided but I’m sure that it will be the same usual kind of class as I know Musicianship to be. Right after a ten-minute break, there would be part two of the history class with Mrs. Ramlal. She gave us a printout of the course outline and sent out the attendance sheet.

                      Tonight’s history class was the start of the pre-classical part of music history. Several more terms were provided for us to learn. I really appreciated the music that she played for us. It was long as it used to be. I felt alright as class was over but I know that over the coming semester it might feel unbearable. I see that we will have another paper and now a presentation. I’m not starting to feel nervous.

                      In the Indian Classical Ensemble class, I did not see Eshay or Brandon again for the rest of the Semester. They did not come back. We were given the first piece of music which was a Bollywood song named Churaliya (See respective Journal entry for further discussion and other versions of this piece.).



                  1. Western Music History 2 – Course Outline.
                  2. Western Music History 2 - Handouts.
                  3. Indian Classical Course Outline.
                  4. Churaliya (Version1).


                  Daryl Zion M. Ali