Thursday, March 31, 2016

Musicology Scores

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 31st March, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 15th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Pan lessons with Mr. Sharma went well. I had a short practice exam with him in preparation for next week. The actual exam was supposed to be today but we had missed out on a class last week, which I was glad for because I got to start working on a personal study project for my Musicology class. I first started off with 8 sheets of white Bristol boards and I got two markers to go along with that.

    I had a nice conversation with my Musicology lecturer Mrs. Nicholas about what I discovered a similar pattern they used in the Classical Period from the Medieval period. I also showed her the full score of the song “Now is the Month of Maying” by Thomas Morley I got from the Musescore site. I also got her permission to show her the Musicology Personal Projects I was making for the class. She said "sure" and that she was "glad to see that a student is trying to help out their classmates."


   I  promised miss to email her a copy of the music. That night I also sent her over ten other scores for pieces studied in class but were not in the course 'textbook'. The next week a copy was punched and sent into my 'textbook'. 



  1. Copy of "Now is the Month of Maying".


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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