Wednesday, February 24, 2016

World Music - Group Performance (Presentation #1)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 24th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 14th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was my first assessment for Introduction to World Music, which meant that today was the day for the group presentation of “Sabilulangan”. I came with a surprise, which was the Kurta mom and I went to buy in Priya’s a few days ago. Our group had decided to wear red but I preferred to dress up for the presentation. 

    We had a short practice in class but the bad part was that we didn’t have the ending part ready for the performance. This morning was supposed to be for that. While my group took out the instruments to Studio 4 from the pan theatre, we signed the mark sheets and also the one in the full score booklet for submission. I made sure that the cover was well coloured because the rest of the document was plain black and white. But I was glad that it was done and ready except for the players. Not sure how the laying would have come out.

    I had to go and change in practice room 11, while Natasha’s group was performing but I still heard them more than twice yesterday during the lunch period. While I was finished dressing and knowing that they finished their performance, I walked down the corridor in my red Indian clothing and my bookbag on my back with my lunch kit in hand coming like a little red riding hood. As I opened the door and walked in, I felt ashamed because everyone was watching me and that was butterflies to my stomach but I took the enjoyment of the day.

    I gave Eric the mark sheet with the full score booklet and he gave it to Mrs. Neaves when it was our turn. My group was the third and last group. I guess it was because of the time I took to come back to class but it was a good part of timing. When it was our time to go up, the bass pan was a problem to move until Toyanna came and lifted it up. That was surprisingly nice like superwoman. She was strong. Everyone was in place but I didn’t like how we were separating the percussion from the melody parts.

    From the front of the class, I could see the same guy Kershorn, Eran and Denzel who came to watch us perform. I was glad that they came but I now worried about messing up everything I was doing because the three of them plus the whole class was probably watching me because of my clothing. I could remember Quianna telling me, “Ways boy, Daryl. I felling underdress now.”

    The piece started off well only until my part of the introduction because Eric was supposed to start off the part by playing the G Major scale. We ended up missing four beats of rest before actually started and that was not supposed to happen. Thankfully, the rest was all cleaned up for the body of the song, which we had a lot of mistakes that were cleared up on Monday. 

    When the time came for the grand finale at the end that was the biggest bust ever because we didn’t practice or even reach the ending section of the song. Then it had this part that Eric was supposed to wait for me and then he rushed it in so now I had to keep up with him and then the percussion side was already at the ending point. For myself, I just added in my ending part with the long arpeggiation and looked over to Tinesha to give the final three counts as I told her to do before class. I could see from some of them that in the group that they knew had a screwed up situation there.

    I took my bags to change back into my other clothes I came down to school within practice room 11. I felt worried because the song got a big mess up in two major parts of the song. I drank some cold water and calmed myself down. Then as I came back to class, Mrs. Neaves was giving her comments about the groups. 

    She started with my group first because we “gave a real taste of what Indonesian music was supposed to sound like…an introduction was given...the introduction is good to have because it gives the audience an idea of what is coming next.” Apparently, our group was the only one of the three that gave an introduction. Mrs. Neaves also thanked me for the clothing that I had on. I felt happy because it was getting a bit weird in the class looking too fancy and then everyone was wearing ordinary matching clothing. 

    She liked it and appreciated how Ishan played the Tambourine and I could remember teaching her the correct rhythms on her score and so I said, “Thank you” very easily in a whisper from my lips. Miss did the same thing with Rachel on the Dholak and then I said “thank you” again below speaking volume. I was glad that miss liked it. I could remember Monique shouting out, “Yeah that was really good. I could have fallen asleep with that.” I was shocked by what she said, however, this story and stress was tied up and completed well. I'm glad that there were some good things to hang onto from it after the first attempt at this arrangement. 

    The class was going on and then Mrs. Neaves told us how important yet challenging it is to be playing in a group that we have to become one when playing. That was when Adam started to sing a piece of “Stand together in what you believe” and then I hummed the other part “work for what must be done.” He laughed out.

    After class Quianna and I was talking about the next presentation and about how worried in what was happening in the piece. We then spoke about adding lyrics to a piece of the song but then I suggested that we add in a special section of the song and then go back in the music. She agreed to it. I was wondering about the foreign language because it was something we would have to research quite well. 

    Politely I was trying to tell them they would have to study the language well and they would have to create it themselves. It was a good idea but it would have been more than too much for me at that point. As I continued to play on the Piano, Dr. Remy came into the room and told us that she was kicking us out. She and Toyanna had to play a piece of music so I sat outside with Natasha and Chikea outside with Adam and two others. 

    As Natasha was waiting to walk out she was talking about and then she said the sun was too hot to go walking out and then a girl we called Nella said, “We'll call a car and wait outside.” I understand what she meant by standing in the hot sun and began to giggle as Natasha told me “yuh right yuh laugh Daryl.”

    Nella went with Kershorn and another guy from Intermediate class a while after they finished eating in the back by the breezy trees, That was near the small gate that goes into the law school next door. After talking with Toyanna in Studio 4 about arranging for the pan and the 7 steps it has, it was the only time I had asked someone about arranging. I was happy for her when she said that she was going to be arranging for panorama next year and told me about the limits for the jams. 

    I went to help Kershorn with “Song of Lopinot” for intermediate class and then I was teaching Megan from the same group to another piece. Got to teach him the whole first page and then half of the second page. While that was happening, Dad came and gave me a pie in a brown bag from St. Mary’s Bakery. I knew because I could sense the smell and then he drove off. I didn’t eat because I wanted to teach Megan the song and also to learn that dangerous part that was going to be a big hot mess in the middle. This was about to happen and go through in class today. 

    The five of us came to class a bit late and then class went on as usual. We all had a lot of fun together while I showed Chikea the music at the same time too. I’m glad my toes didn’t plat up. They were witnessing so much pain that I really needed to sit down but I had to stand to play the pan. I didn't trust the stool that they had in the pan theatre. Sometimes wishes I had a proper stool to carry and use. 


Thursday 25th February, 2016

    The submitted music of "Sabilulangan" was returned today. When I came out of practice room 4 from individual pan lessons and signed out tenor pan #6, I saw Mrs. Neaves coming down the corridor. She had just arrived at school. As I said hello and good morning I asked her if she saw the mark sheet I made for her in the full score booklet.

     She couldn’t remember what I was talking about so she walked me back to her office and took out a brown envelope with the three groups' work. She told me that she “wasn’t supposed to be in school today but with a million things going on it could be a hot mess.” Well, I do know what she means by that and I would most certainly agree.

    When she opened the booklet and she saw the mark sheet I did over, it sounded as if she wasn't dismissive of it. I too was still impressed by the 'accomplishment' looking down at the booklet on the desk. She then asked me if I would like her to write the marks from her papers into the sheets. I was a bit shy to say yes but I didn’t want to put her through all that trouble. 

    While dad and I drove off, he told me he now saw the two o we bounced up on the corridor the minute he drove in the year. When I told him about the booklet and the presentation yesterday, he then told me that I must be really blessed."


  1. "Sabilulangan" Assignment Submission. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Double Assessment Day

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23rd February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 13th September, 2021)


    This morning as I was in the car heading in the street for class, I realised that I forgot my textbook at home. More surprisingly, I had a coursework exam instead that I forgot about and that I didn’t even study for it. I didn’t even study the long two legal sheets of musical terms and signs in foreign languages that Mrs. Neaves gave us to look at.

    The exam was the same two assessments of the previous exams in semester one. The first part was aural, in which again I had to clap a rhythm and also sing a short excerpt of music using SOLFEG. The rhythm was quite simple although I had forgotten to repeat it because there was a repeat sign on the two sides of the single system. 

    The written part of the exam was good. I was glad that SATB came because it was delicious like chocolate. There was this part with the technical name that gave me problems but this time I gave up my papers quickly and was the second one to come out. Then there was this part with transposing but I did it and handed up the paper quickly to go revise for Musicology.

    This paper was returned to us on Tuesday 1st of March along with our Panorama analysis exercise. On that day it was Mama's birthday and Zida, Kerrie and Shalma were there early in the morning. I was going to school from there too. It was a bit nice to see them before leaving but I had to hurry to the class that morning because the Musicianship class was about to start. I was very surprised to see a high mark: 13 out of 15. I still felt bad for not getting out questions eight and nine. It was a very close one.


    During lunchtime after a group review, I went back to Studio 4 and did some writing for the next novel I was working on. I showed my friend Elizabeth from Mr. Lewis’ Lessons some of the stories and we spoke about the exam this morning. At that same time, Natasha’s group was practising their samba song for tomorrow. It sounded good but I hoped that my arrangement would have been acceptable for the most.

    The exam was alright for Musicology later that evening. It was a listening where we had to answer questions from about five different pieces of music from the periods of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque. It was a bit challenging because at the moment while the first song began, I literally fought to find the answers in my mind but I just went through the papers and gave the best answer that I could have given. 

    In the end, Miss Nicholas gave us a ten-minute break, which I think I got to strengthen my friendship with some of the others from my certificate classes. I was glad the class was over so I could get to go home and practice my pieces of music for tomorrow and also for the "Sabilu" presentation tomorrow. 

    There was a lot of changes I made tonight. I eventually got the full score to 31 pages and I also got a picture of the Mark sheet from Eric on WhatsApp. He made me feel happy by thanking him he called me “sir” which was nice. From the mark sheets that he sent to me, I did over a completely new one so that I can insert it into the booklet I made for the full score as it was already spiral bound. It was the first time I had used font size 10 on Microsoft Word before. 

    This Musicology exam paper was returned to us on  Tuesday 8th of MarchI was saddened at the marks I got because I realised that there were so many things I knew that it had all gone from me at the time. But the good part was that I had passed. 


  1. General Musicianship 2 - (First Assessment) Written Paper.
  2. Musicology 1 - (First Assessment).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, February 19, 2016

A Bore Pan Today

 Date for Entry: (Friday 19th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 13th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I went to school a bit early. As I went to Mr. Sharma to get the keys he looked like he was now coming into his office with his bags in his hands. Then Tinesha came up and told us that two tenor pans were left outside in a practice room all night. W

    When we went to look, there was one that she took to practice on and there was the other vacant tenor pan. Mr Sharma told me that it was good to try out the tenor pan with the holes in them. He also told me, “They give out a vibrating sound as if you were to press the pedal on the piano.”

    Our class went well. There were a few mistakes in the tricky harmonic minor scales. I finally got out the hard Proficiency pieces with a little secret I found out myself just by looking a the notation. Then with the Piece, there was work to be done with the dynamics and need to speed up to meet the right tempo.

    I find that practice with the group went well because there was a need for the others to have a long break. Usually, for me working, I may go on and on without recess but when someone asked for a rest I gave them it. I may have even forgotten to think about giving them rests. I could have also seen it in the way they would go on in practice. 

    After a lot of drilling, we finally made it to Section F in the song, where there is a repeat sign. One of a few additions that were made and it went well, Thank God. However, I questioned if it was really necessary. The song went on for too long. But, not knowing about the music from the other two groups I did not know if it was long enough.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Twists and Turns in "Sabilu" (to Version 3)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 13th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I reached early before my group members to meet with Mr. Sharma about lessons for the pan. He wanted to move our class to Friday instead. Upon waiting, I decided to phone call Quianna because I saw another group in Studio 1 and then she told me that they moved it to half eleven to arrive at school.

    I went to get a tenor pan and I practised my pieces for intermediate and for Mr. Sharma's class. By the time Quianna and I decided to set up the instrument in Studio 1, I was assisting someone from the ensemble who had asked me to help him with the song we were learning “Song of Lopinot.” Could not say to help for long because other group members were coming in for the practice.

    While we wait for a very long period to start and wait for Eric to come, I went through the full score to see how best I can edit “Sabilulangan” and there were a few things to change. When it was time to play, I showed Tinesha the parts I changed in her part because she was having problems with a quaver rest so I took all of them out and let her play an extra quaver.

    The next problem was that Christine was playing the clarinet. A transposing instrument. She had to get her part transposed. It was a Bb clarinet she was using and I had to figure out some of her notes to concert pitch to make sure when I got home the transposition was done correctly.

    There was this girl who came into the room while we were practising and I saw how she was looking at the music from the piano. Some inputs were putting my tears into place but I burnt them in my heart as I was taught earlier in my life. To be facing all of this conflict and having no idea if I was doing the assignment correctly, I still continued with the work. 

    Eric had a few problems but I worked with him and we got it through. Some more music theory teaching was done again by myself. This time I had to do writing on the whiteboard. Tinesha had to keep count throughout the whole practice because she had to work out her part. But she told me that she would just play it out when she gets the score on Friday.

    As soon as I got home, I started to work on the changes to the song. It felt confusing and it didn’t feel good at all. After all, I was the only one pulling the group’s weight. So then after the computer lost the score twice, I just Whatsapp Tinesha and asked her if she could do the metronome count because Christine was needing desperate help with that.

    Thankfully, she agreed and I just fixed up the part with Eric and me since we were melody for the song. Now, I ended up playing my part with Tinesha’s part together. This was a huge gamble that I was not confident doing and we did not have enough members to do the counter melodies. All of the countermelodies were fused into my part in the tenor pan.


    The full score was printed again for the third time. On this day, we did not have our class in the morning because Mrs Neaves was not feeling well. It was yesterday I met her on the school corridor after group practice and she told us that she will put the performance presentations for next Wednesday. 

    In a way, I was thankfully for the extra time granted because I knew that my group was waaaay far from the end of finishing this piece. Even I too found that it was too long. I was worried that the members would not have even gotten to learn everything. 

    I have no idea how the other groups were progressing in their music and how they struggled with places to practice. Maybe they might have met up at someone's home or some other convenient way. I was also very curious as to the length of their full scores. 

    I can recall sitting with Adam and he was doing exactly what I had to do, probably not so much but he was telling me as I waited earlier how he had to get the members to come. He also mentioned how members would come and not bring their instruments or leave "their scores home and they have practice."


  1. Sabilulangan (Version 3) - Full Score for Submission.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Veryyy Long Friday

Date for Entry: (Friday 12th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 12th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was a long and enjoyable day but there was a long time spent in school with my Introduction to World Music group. We all decided to meet up at Studio 1. There was a lot of laughter to some of the various jokes I told and everything went a bit well. Some of them had to work out the rhythms and Eric and Tinesha used a different set of teaching for the Grand piano in the room and the keyboard we got permission to use from practice room 5. The sad part was that we weren’t getting permission to use any of the xylophones from the percussion room so the keyboard was set on xylophone mode.

    After a short while, we got kicked out by a teacher because she had a class in there after about two o'clock. We had nowhere else to go until I told the group to move out from thereto Practice rooms 4 and 5. It was too small and cramped up. The biggest problem right there was the group had to use both rooms to accommodate the instruments and we couldn’t get to see each other because the group was divided into both rooms. So, now this meant that I had to go running from my pan to the next room and back constantly.

    After switching Christine from the Tambourine to the metronome, she had a next problem with staying on time but the other new girl (Ishan) was getting through. Our friends Milano and Justin were there for a little while and then they left. Soon after, not a long time from staying in the practice rooms, we had to leave because Mr. Sharma also had to take the practice room for one of his classes with another student. We had nowhere to go for practice again.

    With quick thinking in my mind, I got permission from Mrs. Ramlal to use the staff Kitchen area to practice. It was the same kitchen I did my Grade 1 Pan Practical Examination in that Dr Remy conducted. She gave me permission and told me to make sure to put back all the instruments and everything where ‘I’ got them after using them when she asked me about what instruments are going to be used.

    They looked relieved that I got us the room too. So, what we now had to do, was to move the instruments into the kitchen. The Gong wasn’t that difficult to move except for one of the single six bass barrels. I had to strain myself twice moving it until I got help from Quianna to move it from Practice room 5 all the way up the corridor for the second time. I did this walking backway and then I told her at the same time, “Ah doin’ ah backwards moonwalk dey boy!” 

    We both laughed out and then finally the pan was in the room. My fingers felt to fall off and my palms we burning. As we set up, there was this older foreign teacher who came in and acted too dumb in character with us. I guess it was because of how she spoke to us that we freaked out. It was not our intention of doing anything wrong to her. We would have allowed her to have her bag, which she simply came for. 

    For me personally, I couldn’t handle that from her so I just walked outside in the corridor and calmed my disturbed feeling in the breeze until I saw the teacher lady come outside and walk down the corridor. I was like “oh gosh lady” in my mind “the whole school is so big and yet it doesn’t even have a proper place to practice.” 

    Practice went well for the rest of the day. I got to help the new girl Ishan, on the Tambourine and found an easy method to help her work out the rhythms in her score. this method is one that a music theory teacher would absolutely dismiss on the spot and I knew it was not the correct way but I knew it might have been "something" enough to help the girl immediately to understand what she had to do and how to play the entire piece. And, her piece being a continued rhythmic pattern by measure, it would be easy duplication for her.

    There were four special areas of Ishan's score I had to train her using the same 'incorrect' method. Surprisingly and amazingly, when I decided if I can test her with remembering the little things I told her, the girl was able to play out the entire piece by herself and keep the time herself.  She told me it really helped a lot. That made me feel really special as I could see Quianna and Eric smile a little away from me. 

    When we were finished for the day, I shared with them my spiral-bound book with the pages I wrote the sonnets in my fancy handwriting. Then Quianna told me that she had a lot of poems too but she never wrote them down and forget. It was still nice to share until she brought up the part with the wheel and said, “The day when yuh bought in de wheel, that was incredible. Ah did know you were a special person. Because not everybody could do those kinds ah thing Nah.” I also forgot to say that earlier today mom and I went to Priya’s to buy myself something that looks Indian for the presentation. It had to look red because that was the colour our group decided to wear. 


    More editing was needed to the full score. ew, parts with rhythm change and the entire part were taken out because Tinesha was not confident about the first xylophone part and had asked to do something else. 

    Quiana and I decided to do two instruments a the same time for the performance. She did Dholak and filled in for the Gong part. I did the tenor pan and filled in for the single six bass barrel. This was because Maggie had left the group first and soon after Rouchell had left the class also. 

    With Christine not being able to do the xylophone part, we put her on a woodblock to tap the pulse with Tinesha. Thinking about this move now, I wished that I had the idea to create a separate rhythm for her. It would have avoided two persons doing the same thing. Some years after my Degree, very early, I learned with some of us that Christine had passed away.

    We had the only transferred student remaining (Rachel) who was doing tabla with us. She had decided to try it. No one in the group knew how to lay tabla and Musescore only gave to sounds for the table: one high and one lower. So, this was the way she had to play the instrument by tapping the rhythms correctly to the right drum. I must say that I was very proud of her for being able to work out the music all on her own. She did not find much difficulty in any of the versions in the piece. 

    However, there were times where I had to do multitask between her and the rest of the group. I knew it was coming but I personally did not mind because it might be a repeat occurrence in the future years from now, perhaps. Very early I was able to recognise that she was taught music theory like us, yes, but using the American styles of names for notes and rests, and vocabulary in music. So, while I spoke to the rest of the group during the session, I then had to look over to her as she knew it was her turn and use the American terms for her to understand. 

    It was an exciting challenge because now my mind and thinking had to be able to do both together at the very same time. Great teaching experience for me I must say, even though I did know the American way that good. So sometimes I might be looking to the ceiling and trying to figure out the word before I could speak to Rachel.

    Also, very proud of Ishan for working out the music. I was hoping that another percussionist in school who knew about the tambourine would have been able to tell me how it is supposed to be held properly. Instead of that, I had to show her a way that I preferred it to be held. Once she did that exactly, the sound of the tambourine would have NO problem getting to another person. The sound was heard. I felt glad that the idea had worked again. I'm not sure if Ishan had music training before but she was able to understand from my very short conversation separately while the group session was going on. 



  1. Priya's Receipt.
  2. Handwritten Editing of Sabilulangan Full Score (Version 2).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Weird and Fun Filled Wednesday

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 10th February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 12th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

     Today as I got out of the room to get to class, I realised that I didn’t do my homework for my Introduction to World Music, which was to write a synopsis of an article Mrs. Neaves wanted us to give in one paragraph. While time was flying like a bat, I was there on the dining table in the Gallery trying to get the Newspaper on the tablet since the computer would have taken too long to start and the tablet was taking forever to work too.

    All of a sudden, I just decided to free-write some things into a paragraph quickly based on what I got to hand in because the internet also was not working in my favour. The class was alright today. I really didn’t like having to write a bunch of words on a paper but it was the only option to hand in rather than nothing (see music journal volume 7). 

    The country of the study was China for this session. Then Mrs. Neaves told us that there is a difference in cuisine because Chow Mein is the only Chinese food served in Trinidad. I found that very interesting.

    At the end of class, my group decided to have our first meeting to practice the some we choose “Sabilulangan”. This was the other part of my experience I had. So all I did was arrange the song, and distribute the parts to the musicians. Now I have to conduct them and bring the song to a musical sensual manner that is pleasing for the audience. 

    One of the parts I enjoyed the most was having to go to each instrument and help out with rhythm and finding easy ways for Eric and Tinesha on the Piano to play certain parts. I also liked having to hold the full score in my hands. That was really nice. There was also a lot of laughter we had while practising, especially for one of the syllables I used for teaching someone a particular rhythm. 

    Then at around half three, Mr. Murray came in with his piano student so we had to wrap up there for the day. Quianna and Eric carried back that lovely Gong from the percussion room. I choose that one over five little gongs they had from a bucket. I had returned back to the Pan Theatre with the Tenor Pan #4 I was using so I could attend the remaining minutes to my intermediate class. Mr Mannette asked me how come I reached so late but when I told him about the group presentation for Introduction to World Music, he said that he know the troubles it involved. 

    This class when well. I was surprised that even though I didn’t practice the next piece of the song they were doing presently but I got it out in one and I felt it within me. This was from the first page of “Song of Lopinot” going into the second. One of the sad parts was that the two girls who left had parts to do but the good part of it was that we were able to make up for it.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"Song of Lopinot" & Intermediate

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 3rd February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 12th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today after my Introduction to World Music class, I brought printouts of the music “Sabilulangan” for the group members that I finished last night. It was hard to create the introduction and the conclusion all at once. But I did it anyway. For the new girls, I photocopied some information from the pan book I compiled for the Youth Group, which unfortunately did not happen.

    I felt special to hold the full score I printed on the punched paper as those of my original music journal volumes on the left side I had saved a long while ago. Then I gave it to Quianna to show Dr. Remy when she went to ask her about the instruments for the performance.

    Before intermediate class could start, there was a jazz class going on past the hour. I sat down with four persons I knew from the Ensemble and then we sang the song we had to learn, which we all didn’t, a few times for fun. While I sang with them, I followed it in my score by the time and onto the visual tenor pan in my mind.

    In the later parts of the class, we were all given a new piece of music done by Dr. Jit Samaroo. The introduction was VERY beautiful and then we got to the verse (or 'A' section), which had an interesting and challenging run that looked like fun for me alone, apparently. 



  1. Music theory handouts - [NOT IN ARCHIVES]
  2. "Song of Lopinot" (Tenor). (Permission for sharing was not granted.)

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Panorama Analysis Project (General Musicianship 2)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 2nd February, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 12th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I handed up a panorama project that Mrs. Neaves wanted us to do for marks. I stayed up a little late last night preparing it as well as a booklet for Introduction to World Music from some information she gave us by e-mail. She also gave us a slip of paper to sign out the only name and student numbers but by the time she told us to fill in only our name and Student identification number, I and my friend Justin had already written out all the information asked for on the whole slip. So, she laughed and took back everyone's slips.

    During Mrs. Neaves’ class, I felt to scream out when she said that Dr. Remy wasn’t letting anyone use the percussion instruments for the performances. That was because a student went and broke one of the sticks for the instruments. 

    Later for Musicology, I was excited because I was going to get my booklet for the course. I also got back my flash drive I gave Mrs. Nicholas to download some of the music recordings for the studies in the course. She played back the same piece of music again that touched me. I soon came to know that it was called “Kyrie” and it was from the medieval period sung by male monks in Acapella. We were given a short view of the neumes notation that they used at the time of music.

    This assignment was returned back on Tuesday 1st March 2016 on Mama's birthday together with papers from the First Assessment that I did not study for (see an entry entitled "Double Assessment Day"). I was glad that I got a total in this activity: 5 out of 5.


  1. Panorama Assignment.

Daryl Zion M. Ali