Tuesday, July 2, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #76) – Day #347

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 02 July 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T3, W:13 – WD:56, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    Yesterday the schools in Trinidad were closed because of Hurricane Beryl. I went to spend the night with Auntie Vanjie on Monday night which was yesterday and spent the evening to return to school. There was a front-seat ride in the Maxi which felt very dangerous. The driver asked me to put on the seat belt. I didn't like the seat by the door because the seat belt didn't usually like to come out and then clipping it in the buckle was very challenging.

    I did not see “Jess” in the music room until I saw her message. She said that she was going to be late. The music room too was like a ghost house with many missing tables and chairs. I sat with Miss outside after eating and writing in my Markbook for 2M. We got all of the Form 1s and 2s at marks into the online platform over her phone. This was our first trial using the cell phone because my laptop did not have access to the internet. I thought that if you can insert Max by the laptop you could probably do so with the cell phone. Thankfully it worked.

By lunchtime at 12.32 all the Marks for Visual Arts were entered onto the online platform. Miss had to get her prints. Dr Allison still needed me to enter the lates and absences for her. We were about to end at 2:27 but I told her that we should continue and finish the rest of the Mathematics department. I got a call towards the end from the principal's cell phone but it was Izekel on the other side. I didn’t make out everything he was saying.

    My bags were in the art room and they were locked up. I had to get “Miss Bianca” to open. By the time I got my bags, it was 2:39 when Dr Allison and I had finished. They had already left. It was nice that Mrs. Santana could join us in the conference room while she did her marking. I had to travel out because the ride had gone. They couldn't stay.

    I travelled out of the compound with Mr. Jaheim Griffith. We were speaking about time signatures after he asked how my day was going. It seemed as if the form three students went on a field trip. He mentioned that time signatures were one of the topics that used to give him a lot of trouble. I was telling him that he could have come and visited me at lunchtime anytime for help but he said that he enjoyed the conversations we had time and time here and there talking on music theory topics.

    The driver of the Maxi was Frank and he was joking aloud with a lady in the front seat and snapping his fingers. I went home and I got into church work. This evening I decided to work on the document for the quotes. Getting the sizes was a huge challenge. I ended up creating a large document with a big table to send off to Isa. I'm not sure if this will make printing easier for Iza where I went and recreate some of the forms into individual sheets that contained one form alone.

    I also got a call for help to make a certificate of appreciation for another Sunday school. I was able to get the church logo from the MTC Facebook page instead of waiting for Dion. Three terms had gone by and no one had sent the logo. So this time the blurry image had to be used from Facebook.

    Space allocation was the issue for their logo. My DAPHA Projects logo had to go on next. The full DAPHA Projects logo was too big. By force, I had to use the abbreviated version. It was going to fit only below the signature lines. Once it was done it was sent off to the church for their members to see it. I just hope that they don't stir up hatred towards my logo as it has been enduring many times in St. George's. 

    Praise God that I was able to get my Bible reading and notes done tonight. I took time shaving tonight for the function tomorrow. The teachers were planning a special surprise retirement function for Mrs. Sow in the library. I hope that everything goes well.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(9:20 am – 3:22 pm)

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