Wednesday, July 3, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #76) – Day #348

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 03 July 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T3, W:13 – WD:57, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning was an early day, praise God. As soon as I got signed in, Dr. Allison came into the office with the logbook and also the laptop to set up. I didn't have time at all to eat breakfast because she had called me out as soon as she got in. She took me with her immediately.

    We went into the conference room where “Patty” and “Ms Celia” were going through the new timetables for September 2024. They were too loud and I couldn't make out the majority of what Dr Allison was saying. It made the minutes difficult to insert and so several repeats were required from her. We were done by 9:38 AM and my head was spinning. I didn't feel so good after leaving the conference room.

    Kiel had to make prints of the timesheet when I came to ask for some. It looked as if there were new changes to the OJT timesheet from a far glance. The times for yesterday and today were entered. I had no cell phone with me so that times for other days would have to be entered tomorrow. I went to Blockcase straight away to safeguard the sheet. Ms. Gittens met me there in the office too as I was waiting for the timesheets to be printed.

    Many of the teachers were there back in the staffroom. Mrs. Santana and I spoke about May when she asked. I told her that there were 14 teachers with pending information. She learned from me that Mrs. Sawh would be taking it over to work in June and pending May 2024 on Friday evening, when school would be closed for the summer vacation.

    Once the form was put away, I used the washroom and took the laptop from the art room to go down to the music room. “Jess” was there with her fake eyelashes. She was starting to tally the Form 1 exam papers and then tally that mark with the practical mark for a total out of 100. I got the 1L and 1F marks entered into my digital markbook. We spoke about a contract too and extensions as well. We also spoke about options for lessons.

    Soon we both left the music room to go to the library where the monthly staff meeting began. Ms. Alexander was reading her minutes of the previous meeting. I was called outside by “Jess” in the middle of the meeting to be asked for help with a performance that she had to do. She wanted to know if I would want to play the keyboard chords or if I wanted to play the African drum. I told her I would see what I could do.

    We passed in front of Block A after getting the keyboard and its stand from the hall. Some boys from 2M were there and helped us to get the chair for the keyboard and the keyboard down to the music room. I wasn't feeling so well at all while walking up there. I got the same boys to see if they wanted to play in the performance when I told Jess I wasn't feeling good again. I learned that Mr. Bain was going to sing and she was going to do something in the performance.

    After that, I didn't bother to go back to the staff meeting although I wanted to. I went back to Block A and did up my journal entries for Friday and yesterday. I thought that maybe by doing the journal entries it will help me get my mind off of the sick feeling. I did not get many journal entries completed by reading into the AI app. This most likely will have to be done simultaneously with Bible reading next week. I have no idea when school would have ended.

    I saw teachers leaving for the rest of the evening. Dr. Jogi stayed with me in the staffroom after we had cake leftovers. I didn’t go to the function again. I got the laptop back to Block A from the music room because the art room was locked. Everyone was already gone except Mrs. Nunes-Charles. I saw Mr. Nunes-Charles waiting for her on my way to the office.

    Later in the evening, Daddy didn't pick up the phone when I tried to call from the office. As I was waiting for Mrs. Santana outside, Ezekiel called me from outside while sitting on the bench and he told me that someone called back. Miss waited for me and we walked to the car after the phone call. She said that the road is going to be empty the way it is when primary schools would be closed for the academic year. Indeed we got up to Curepe very quickly.

    I had a long wait for Isa to come back to the store. It took him a while too to prepare the certificates. He ended up forgetting to make the catalogue cards and subject cards that I had ordered last week. He had taken note of the order. He also said that the document created for the course looked good as always.

    I went to the Chinese store in Curepe to get food for everyone. The wait to get the food was long. It gave me the time to sit and write this extensive entry for today. The time was running close to 7 pm in the night and Miss Gittens had sent me a message to remind me of getting ready for the Bible study. Thankfully at 7:04, they were still waiting for other persons to get to class.

    Instead of getting a notebook to write down the notes as prescribed, I opened up Microsoft Word and got the notes down. The document came up to three legal-sized sheets of paper. I sent it over to Miss and she was amazed at the layout.

    I went to see if there was anything else that I could have done with the Lone Star song called “Amazed.” But the time was too short and not many hours remaining. The introduction was super difficult to figure out strumming patterns. Normally I do not like to put any rolling in the back line instruments but it became necessary. After three hours the introduction was fixed.

    This is the second night that I could not send it to Miss Mustapha because it was too late. Some games were played for one hour until 1 am. I started playing a new pool game and won the first seven levels with three stars each. I am not sure how long I will last with this particular game.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 3:21 pm)

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