Monday, September 3, 2018

Music Degree (Yr2; Sem1)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 3rd September 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 9th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This is the beginning of my second year in the music degree at UWI. I have five classes for the semester as usual. I am not excepted at all about doing one of them. 

These courses are:

  1. Law, Governance, Economy and Society, 
  2. Pan Arranging 1, 
  3. Performance Music 3, 
  4. Jazz Theory 1
  5. Critical Reading in Caribbean Arts & Culture 1.

    I had signed up for them early today and had it dropped off at the administration building, alone with receipt. I've heard a lot of talk from students in the third year and those in the "repeaters net" on how difficult the course could be. I knew that I would have had to do it at some point and now that I have to do it, I hope that it would help me in some way and that I would be able to complete it smoothly. 

    One of the other surprising things is that I would be trying out piano as a beginner this semester with Mr. Sharma. I am looking forward to it. It took me a really long while to make the Timetable for this semester (on Thursday 28th September 2021) because I wanted to make sure that all of the class times were confirmed and included all individual practical classes. Was wonderful to see that I had a day off on a Thursday.

On Tuesday 12th September 2018, I was given a four-page copy of the "Hands like Lightning" score. I was very excepted holding it in my mind and looking down at the notation. 


  1. UWI Fee Sheet & Receipt - Degree (Yr2; Sem1).
  2. Hands like Lightning (Score).
  3. Payment for 'Law & Gov' Textbook.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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