Monday, September 10, 2018

Indian Classical Ensemble (Yr2 Sem1)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 10th September 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th March 2022)

[Entry written as Report.]

Dear Diary,

    This class began on the second week of the semester. A series of transcriptions were done for it also and will be presented in all of their surviving versions.


This was the starting piece for the semester. Sections A and B were given to the class in Sargam (Bhatkhandi style) and the others were given by the second week. It took three classes to complete this piece. I did have to do corrections until the fourth version was made as to the final recital version.


  1. Version 1-3.** [For Request by Email.]
  2. Version 5.


This piece was given to us only the chorus and the verse. There was a recording sent to us from Mr. Maharaj for the entire piece. He sang the entire piece. 

    For me, I had a feeling that we were not going to do the entire piece and it ended up being that way. There was a shortstop in the class and we got off-track. We were only doing the first two sections but in deciding on the sage of proper notation, I decided to write out all that he sang in the recording. In some of the solos that Sir had us do, I decided to use some of the rest of the music we were not doing.


  1. Raag Jog - Handwritten Notes.
  2. Version 1.** [For Request by Email.]
  3. Raag Jog - Version 5.


During the semester, the Indian Classical Ensemble was asked to perform at the DCFA's Diwali celebration. We did both "Raag Jog" and "Chookar Mere Mann Ko" on the ground floor within the Cheeseman Building. Afterwards, they lit the compound grounds with deyas. It was only until the next day that I got the photographs.


  1. Photographs from the Event.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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