Friday, September 7, 2018

Critical Readings in Caribbean Arts and Culture 1 - (MUSC 2010)

 Date for Entry: (Friday 7th October 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This course began on the first week of the semester. It was a three-hour class starting from one in the afternoon. I was very nervous about the first class because the course code (THEA 2010) suggested that it was a theatre-styled course. Usually, those courses are not the usual kinda musician will endure/experience. The first class was very interactive where we had games to play and then they had placed us into groups by horoscope. There were three of us in my group. 

    Looking at the course outline after those activities, we learned that there was an easy way to get ten marks to our final grade if we discuss and participate in weekly conversations in class about the readings we would have to read and prepare each week. In addition, we could also receive an easy fifty marks for our final grade if we do journal entries for the ten weekly readings. 

    So, I knew that I had to talk to get some free points and do my ten journal entries to pass the course. There was also a position paper we had to write to make up the rest of the hundred percent. That position paper would definitely be a scary and hard challenge to accomplish. Around the weeks, each group had to wait to see if Dr. Pearce would call on them. She said that if she called on a group and they are not ready, they could get zero. 


  1. Course Outline.

Journal Entry Form

* Friday 21st October 2018 *

The third week had gone by and I was confused with the notes I had done to do my three journal entries. I decided to create a document on Microsoft Word that would cater to the four questions that were asked of us to answer in the journal. I thought that a legal-sized page would be long enough in case I had a lot to write for one reading and I was right later down into the semester. 


  1. Journal Entry Form.

Position Paper


The position paper came and passed. I had a little bit to rush down to the end. At this point, I had cut out all attendance to the Law and Governance course because it was starting to move like a set-up. Every time you go to class the students had o gather outside and we would have to be moved around all the time for a better venue other than Dagga. So, I was at home that morning finishing up the rest of the paper. I knew my mark was going to be VERY low. 

    I remember the evening getting back the paper I saw the mark was a small pass. I felt good. When I saw that the comment said the writing was not clear, maybe they should make the reading materials clear too. Sometimes we are all left to read the passages either individually or as a group and be left confused about everything someone is talking about in their writing.


  1. Position Paper.

Course Textbook

* Unknown Date/Forgotten *

    This was the compilation textbook made for the course. It is to be considered 'scratch created' because it was the first one made for the class. The first version was the copy I used throughout the course. A digital copy was provided to the lecturer Dr. Pearce in case it was suitable for use. For the purpose of the journal entry and archiving, the document was reviewed and amended.


  1. Critical Readings 1 - Textbook - (Version 2).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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