Friday, December 28, 2018

Music and Art to a Tattoo

 Date for Entry: (Friday 28th December 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 12th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I was asked by a friend Elizabeth to recreate an image for her. She had shown me from a notebook something close to what she wanted. She said that she wanted to use it for a tattoo. This drawing was completed as a DAPHA Project on the entry date written above. 

    I’m very pleased that the drawing was found satisfactory. I am not sure if the plan/idea of the drawing was ever used.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Service (2018)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 25th December 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 12th March 2022)

Dear Diary

    The Sunday School was asked to perform for the Christmas Service. It was a very long service and they usually like to start early on that kind of day. Our time of performance was during the offering section. We had a medley with “Hark the Herald” first and then the “Jingle Bell” after. The Jingle Bells came with a slight challenge from Mr. Sharma to mix Silent night in it. I find that the mix was good and I was proud of myself for doing the music.

    For the playing, I was put to conduct and lead the band. Mr. Sharma was at another church playing music that day. I met him after service and he said that he heard the whole performance from the parking area as soon as he parked up.

    The pieces were a bit long and when I saw the person collecting the offerings get back to the alter, I was nervous. Thank goodness the music was coming to an end. I had to indicate to Zara when to do the doxology because she was looking and all the church was waiting to continue. Very happy for the group on their performance. I hope that the rest of the day go well and is not spoiled as it could be.


  1. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”.**
  2. “Jingle Bells & Silent Night.”**
  3. Christmas Service 2018 – Aramalaya Programme.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Introduction to the Steelpan Family (CHART BOOK)

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 19th December 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 12th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The following is an account of the works done for a 'chartbook' created by me entitled "Introduction to the Steelpan Family" and was made to simplify the roles and functions of steelpan instruments in Dr. Remy's “Fundamentals of Steelpan Arranging” textbook for the certificate course.

    This entry will show blueprints created for the aid of recreating new documents of the same type and strategies that went into making this type of document made of Bristol board sheets.


  1. Cover Page & Content Page - 'Blueprint' Templates.
  2. Images of "Introduction to the Steelpan Family" Chartbook.



*  Wednesday 19th December 2018 *

    I decided to create a copy of my ‘ultimate project’ that was done for the “Fundamentals of Steelpan Arranging” course in the certificate program. Two duplications would be gifted to the Festival Library at DCFA and West Indiana Collections at the UWIs Alma Jordon Library. A blueprint was done to help recreate the new layout of the pages. I decided to have printouts of the information to just cut them out and stick with liquid glue.


*  Thursday 20th December 2018 *

    A cover page was created to add a finish to the book. It was satisfactory to me and a Bristol board of similar styling was added to the back. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, December 3, 2018

Music Degree - FINALS (Yr2; Sem1)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 3rd December 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 12th March 2022)

    The following below is an account of the final examinations done for this semester. They can be accompanied by the question paper (if it was allowed to be taken home) and the candidate's receipts.




* Monday 3rd December 2018 *

This was a very early exam as all of the foundation courses. It was also done very early in the morning at nine. The venue was somewhere in the area of science, in one of the temporary classroom buildings to do the exam. I did not go to a satisfactory amount of classes and I literally had a big cram the night before the exam. 

    I was glad that I was able to answer a good amount of the questions. If there was one that I could have answered in the economics segment, I might have been able to pass the course. I think there were only sixteen points needed for me to meet the fifty percent. This was a one hundred percent final exam.

    I knew three persons from my degree class were not ready for this exam including myself. The three of them did not show up for the final exam. One of them I knew said they were not going to do the exam. I  did not want to do that. I told myself that even if I was to fail, I should still go and attempt the exam to get a feeling of what it would be like.


  1. Law & Gov - Final Examination & Candidate's Receipt.

Steelpan Arranging 1.

* Wednesday 5th December 2018 *

    The evening at twelve noon was Steelpan Arranging 1 exam. The space in Studio four was really cold. When I saw the examiners taking out the question papers I did not know what to think because there was a whole bunch of paper. The question paper was handed out first after the candidates' receipts were given in and that paper was a really thick and heavy one. That was not all. There was another booklet that seemed like Dr. Remy made for us to do all the working and writing in. 

    We were not allowed to keep the question paper at the end. I wished I did. There was a lot of transpositions to do and staff notation to do. I basically used a pencil for the entire exam. The only point where I used a pen was for the candidate's receipt. At the end of the paper were asked to do a 'short' arrangement of Eine Kleine for a steelband. I decided to use the copyright that Dr. Remy taught us on the footer side of the arrangement. It was a good way of signaling the end. 

    I remember I was sitting down in the corridor one morning in my beautiful school when Dr. Remy pulled up in her car near the door to the percussion room and  when she came out she said, "Ah, here is my favorite student." I felt honored. I was not sure if it was because of using the footer notation in the assignment. It was something I did want to understand how to do for a long while. I appreciated this course no matter what obstacle and challenge came my way. It was wonderful. 


  1. Steelpan Arranging 1 - Candidate's Receipt.

Piano Jury & Jazz Theory 1.

* Tuesday 11th December 2018 *

This day presented two examinations. The morning had my piano jury at ten in the morning in DCFA Studio one. I got there very early to do one last practice and then wait for the exam to begin. I heard from other students that we had to have copies of the music for the judges.

    Unfortunately, the library was not opened yet and someone said that no one was in the office upstairs as yet. I had a few dollars with me so I took it and went to the other side of the campus office to print the music and went back to the venue.

    The music was really soothing. I was a bit nervous but no mistakes were done in any of the playings. I wait to see what the judges’ score would be. Mr. Sharma allowed us who were doing Jazz Theory this afternoon to go first and then be able to leave. The two pieces I performed were “Lonely Bear” and “Dance of the Pianists”.

    I saw Natasha and Carl talking about the composition that we had to do and submit in school for Jazz Theory as they headed over to the kitchen side. I did not stay with them but went back to Curepe home. I’m thankful to Mr. Moore for his advice and extra lessons one day on some of the theory and composition. I used them to complete the assignment and it was easier.

    The evening came by quickly. We had to go up to MD3 for the written Jazz Theory examination that evening. All of them were waiting upstairs with the compositions in their hand. As I looked up to them from the bridge, I could hear all of them shouting in happiness because I was the last one to meet them up there apparently. We all stood outside the exam doors with no idea what to do with the compositions and one of the invigilators inside was not allowing us to carry the compositions in with them.

    Our classmate Carla took all the assignments and went back down the stairs. He took some minutes. All of the people inside the examination room were looking out at us. We chose not to enter because we found it unfair to enter while Carla went to deliver our compositions. He came back in a few minutes after we were asked to either enter or leave by some other invigilator man. We were not allowed to be ‘liming’ outside the examination room so we decided to go inside in one single line. We knew where our row of desks and chairs were.

    Carla came back five minutes after the exam started. After chatting with him on Instagram that evening, I learned that he had gone all the way up t DCFA to drop off the composition assignments and then came right back down to Main Campus to do the exam.

    The exam was tough. A lot of things I had forgotten. We were not given manuscript paper and were had to draw in staves in the answer booklet with regular photocopied folder pages. We had a lot of scales and chords to write. Some things were jazz analysis and sentence responses. I was one of the few who decided to take the time to check over. I handed up my papers when the time was up.

    I met Mr. More coming in SUPER late when I was walking out from collecting my bags. It was really nice to see him that evening. I know the other students would have been angry but it was good working with him. I remember that he was asking me at the end of the final class what he really wanted me to do over the course textbook. It was my wish after doing all the charts that I had done for the Mid-term study. I wish it was possible but to do a project like that would be too difficult for me, especially where there is no proper information available, and to find someone to work with me and guide me in it would have probably been impossible.

    The composition that I did was something in memory of Dr. Ann-Marion Osborne. I did a painting late in the times leading up to the final exam. It was only a drawing at that time but I did have it coloured to upload it to YouTube. There was also a form I made. It was a Composition plan to help me make a strategy. After thinking off all the advice and extra lesson I had with Mr. Moore, I decided that this plan would have helped me put the entire thing together. I did not get to share it with the rest of the class.


  1. “Lonely Bear”.**
  2. “Dance of the Pianists”.**
  3. Jazz Theory 1 – Candidate’s Receipt.**
  4. Jazz Theory Composition Plan.**
  5. “Remembering You” – Composition Assignment.**
  6. “Remembering You” – Recording.**

Individual Steelpan (Jury)


    I cannot recall the name of the two-piece that I did for this jury or even the date. As for the most, it would have been in the morning around nine. 

Final Grades.

* Tuesday 22nd January 2019 *

    It took me a long while to go to get my grades. I did not want to look at it because of the 'Law and Gov' course and then there was the Jazz Theory.


  1. Final Examination Grade Details.**

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, October 14, 2018

“Alman” Worksheet

Date for Entry: (Sunday 14 October 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13th August 2022)

Dear Diary,

    After lunch, I was expecting a visitor at home number two in Curepe. His name was Joshua and he had passed for Hillview in this SEA period that just went. He was accompanied by his mom and aunty Zida brought them for the evening. These were our first acquaintances.

    The visit today was for me to assist/tutor Joshua with a recorder piece called “Alman”. He showed me the piece that Ms. Saunders gave the class. I remembered having to prepare and learn this for marks in my Form One time at Hillview.

    Before our lesson and practice began, I took a blank sheet of paper and rewrote the same piece from his notebook into the image above. I only had a green and a black marker at the time. I showed Joshua the page and told him that the letters will mimic crotchets, minims, and whichever note symbols were needed for the rhythms.

    I was comfortable enough to watch the same sheet on the table and read it upside down. I played the piece from my recorder that I walked with for the session. I gave him two trials on his own but asked him to pause after the first playing before trying again. I had to see if there was difficulty with the music or to see where I could give suggestions on breathing. In the image, you will see where the use of commas (or ‘breath pause’ like makings) to indicate how and where to inhale.

    We tried the same piece twice again, which was the lesson’s end. I also gave Joshua photocopies of some notes with music theory and from the Recorder Book 1 that I had in case he might need it later. That was the orange book. We had a good chat about his first experiences with Hillview and some of the teachers. One last play of “Alman” was requested by everyone before leaving. We did play the piece on our recorders together.


    Some weeks had gone by until I was given the news that Joshua’s mom passed down from Zida that Joshua did the “Alman” piece in class. He said that the class clapped for him but he only made a mistake and stopped to breathe. I was very happy for him.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Music Literatures of the Steelpan - Course Materials

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 11th October 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th March 2022)


Dear Diary,

    In this entry, I list my works for the Music Literatures of the steelpan course materials. They are to assist the students in completing their assignments and to assist in making the course more student-friendly. Below is an account of all the work that was done by myself (as part of the DAPHA Project) for the course.


  1. 'Scratch Created' Textbook - (Version 4).


* Thursday 11th October 2018 *

    The 1st versions of both forms were done to do my assignments. I really wanted to do over the kind that Dr. Remy sent by email. The book report form is usually used for assignments 2 and 3. The newspaper clipping form is used at the archives and for the microfilm assignment. (Thursday 11th October 2018)

    For the 2nd version, I decided to add watermarks. Dr. Remy and I were excited to use them and see how they turned out. Unfortunately, after a semester of putting it into the trial, there was some difficulty set with the watermark being too bold on the paper. (2019)

    In the 3rd Version, all the watermarks were taken out. The header was amended in both forms. The book report form was changed on pages two and three. I designed page three to be duplicated for how many pages the student needed. The newspaper report form was an adoption of the "A Season of Steelpan" form version. 

    I'm not sure how useful this was for Dr. Remy and her new batch of students for that particular academic year. Unfortunately for me, Microsoft Word observed several technical challenges and destroyed my work for the "A Season of Steelpan" series book. I was still proud of this version for the students. It seemed more professional and 'official' in a way. (2020)


  1. Book Report Form - (Version 1-2). ** [For Request by Email.]
  2. Book Report Form - (Version 3).
  3. Newspaper Report Form - (Version 1-2). ** [For Request by Email.]
  4. Newspaper Report Form - (Version 3).


* Tuesday 18th December 2018 *

    During the vacation period (year 2, semester 1) of the Music Degree, as I was cutting through some newspapers for more steelpan Articles, I thought that there should also be proper techniques to share with the students and show them that when they cut paper how it came to be destroyed easy in future in the library either by age or by audience usage. I did separate PowerPoints to emphasize certain types of article clippings.


  1. Short-Sized Articles.
  2. Full-Page Articles.
  3. Two Separate Page Articles.
  4. Double-Sided Sheet Articles.
  5. Irregular-Shaped Articles.


* Saturday 29th December 2018.*

    In the course, there were eight pages containing a list of names of steelbands. I was able to take that list and condense it into three pages. I thought of the Steelpan Arranging 1 course I did with Dr. Remy's degree and thought that it would have been more helpful to the students with just three pages.


  1. List of South Steelbands. ** [See Textbook for list.]

MLA Handouts.

* Monday 18th February 2019 *

    I was in the Festival Library at DCFA and then I received a message. It was a message from Dr. Remy saying that she had to speak with me. When I knew she was in school, I shut back down the laptop and went upstairs to Cheeseman Building to visit her. I did not know what it was.

    When I got there, she told me that the students in the class (Music Literature of the Steelpan) were having trouble doing the MLA. They had just updated MLA citation to version eight. She took out a page with writing and boxes and showed me what she had planned. Just by looking at the paper, I realized that Dr. Remy was asking me to help her make a handout to teach the students how to do the MLA. This is what she continued to tell me and she said that the students were getting a lot of trouble trying to do the citation.

    I took the page she gave me and did the work overnight. The next day, I went back to visit her in the office to submit the work. I showed Dr. Remy the handout she wanted me to make. In addition, there was a second one I had made for her where I did a sample of the assignment’s form filled out with the newspaper article done.


  1. Newspaper Form Worksheet (Dr. Remy's Template).
  2. Newspaper Form Worksheet (My Product).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Performance Music 3 - Piano Individual

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 12th September 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I was convinced by Mr. Sharma to do piano, which I did not really want to do. I knew from my past with piano that two hands working individually did not work out so well. He started me on book one of "Joining the Dots". I probably took six weeks with the book before he moved me onto book two. 

    I sat down with the book and by the time three hours were over, I was able to play out the whole thing. 

The Lonely Bear

* Wednesday 24th October 2018 *

    When Sir and I played out the pieces at the end of the book together as either solo or duet he gave me a piece from another book to work on. Seemed as if that would have been one of my final pieces. 

    This piece was "The Lonely Bear" and when I read the name it reminded me of myself being furry and lonely, but as there are several piano and pianissimo dynamics had a good fit for me and the song. I liked the piece very music. It was fun to learn and felt really good to get it out. 


  1. "The Lonely Bear". [Permission for sharing was not granted.]

Dance of the Pianists.
* Wednesday 17th October 2018 *

    This was the second piece that was given to me by Mr. Sharma. It would be my second jury piece. I'm glad that it was one page also. The only difficulty I had was doing measure sixteen into seventeen. I was also given a copy of "Cat Burglar" on request. I had heard a boy from class playing it in school and I wanted to play it too.


  1. "Dance of the Pianists". [Permission for sharing was not granted.]
  2. "Cat Burglar". [Permission for sharing was not granted.]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, September 10, 2018

Indian Classical Ensemble (Yr2 Sem1)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 10th September 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th March 2022)

[Entry written as Report.]

Dear Diary,

    This class began on the second week of the semester. A series of transcriptions were done for it also and will be presented in all of their surviving versions.


This was the starting piece for the semester. Sections A and B were given to the class in Sargam (Bhatkhandi style) and the others were given by the second week. It took three classes to complete this piece. I did have to do corrections until the fourth version was made as to the final recital version.


  1. Version 1-3.** [For Request by Email.]
  2. Version 5.


This piece was given to us only the chorus and the verse. There was a recording sent to us from Mr. Maharaj for the entire piece. He sang the entire piece. 

    For me, I had a feeling that we were not going to do the entire piece and it ended up being that way. There was a shortstop in the class and we got off-track. We were only doing the first two sections but in deciding on the sage of proper notation, I decided to write out all that he sang in the recording. In some of the solos that Sir had us do, I decided to use some of the rest of the music we were not doing.


  1. Raag Jog - Handwritten Notes.
  2. Version 1.** [For Request by Email.]
  3. Raag Jog - Version 5.


During the semester, the Indian Classical Ensemble was asked to perform at the DCFA's Diwali celebration. We did both "Raag Jog" and "Chookar Mere Mann Ko" on the ground floor within the Cheeseman Building. Afterwards, they lit the compound grounds with deyas. It was only until the next day that I got the photographs.


  1. Photographs from the Event.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, September 7, 2018

Critical Readings in Caribbean Arts and Culture 1 - (MUSC 2010)

 Date for Entry: (Friday 7th October 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This course began on the first week of the semester. It was a three-hour class starting from one in the afternoon. I was very nervous about the first class because the course code (THEA 2010) suggested that it was a theatre-styled course. Usually, those courses are not the usual kinda musician will endure/experience. The first class was very interactive where we had games to play and then they had placed us into groups by horoscope. There were three of us in my group. 

    Looking at the course outline after those activities, we learned that there was an easy way to get ten marks to our final grade if we discuss and participate in weekly conversations in class about the readings we would have to read and prepare each week. In addition, we could also receive an easy fifty marks for our final grade if we do journal entries for the ten weekly readings. 

    So, I knew that I had to talk to get some free points and do my ten journal entries to pass the course. There was also a position paper we had to write to make up the rest of the hundred percent. That position paper would definitely be a scary and hard challenge to accomplish. Around the weeks, each group had to wait to see if Dr. Pearce would call on them. She said that if she called on a group and they are not ready, they could get zero. 


  1. Course Outline.

Journal Entry Form

* Friday 21st October 2018 *

The third week had gone by and I was confused with the notes I had done to do my three journal entries. I decided to create a document on Microsoft Word that would cater to the four questions that were asked of us to answer in the journal. I thought that a legal-sized page would be long enough in case I had a lot to write for one reading and I was right later down into the semester. 


  1. Journal Entry Form.

Position Paper


The position paper came and passed. I had a little bit to rush down to the end. At this point, I had cut out all attendance to the Law and Governance course because it was starting to move like a set-up. Every time you go to class the students had o gather outside and we would have to be moved around all the time for a better venue other than Dagga. So, I was at home that morning finishing up the rest of the paper. I knew my mark was going to be VERY low. 

    I remember the evening getting back the paper I saw the mark was a small pass. I felt good. When I saw that the comment said the writing was not clear, maybe they should make the reading materials clear too. Sometimes we are all left to read the passages either individually or as a group and be left confused about everything someone is talking about in their writing.


  1. Position Paper.

Course Textbook

* Unknown Date/Forgotten *

    This was the compilation textbook made for the course. It is to be considered 'scratch created' because it was the first one made for the class. The first version was the copy I used throughout the course. A digital copy was provided to the lecturer Dr. Pearce in case it was suitable for use. For the purpose of the journal entry and archiving, the document was reviewed and amended.


  1. Critical Readings 1 - Textbook - (Version 2).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Jazz Theory 1- (MUSC 2501)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 5th September 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 9th March 2022)

[Entry as Report]

Dear Diary,

    On the same day as Intermediate Ensemble, I had Jazz Theory 1. It was immediately after three in the afternoon. The name of the lecturer for this course was Mr. Enrique Moore and it was wonderful to learn sometime down at the end of the course that he is a pastor. There are a series of events that occurred in this course and they are separated by episode. 


* Wednesday 5th September 2018 *

    On the first day of the course, we were given the cost of the course manual and also a short introduction, some new theories and we ended with a short Evaluation Test. We shared Mrs. Neaves' name of the exercise with him as a diagnostic test. 

    It was corrected and reviewed at the end of the second class. I decided to do the exercise worksheet properly and gave Mr. Moore a printout of it. I could hear from the particular laugh that he was satisfied with it. I was also able to keep a scanned copy of my handwritten notes from that second class. It was not an easy one at all but new information.


  1. Evaluation Test - Mr. Moore's Version.
  2. Evaluation Test - My Version.
  3. Handwritten Notes - Second Class.

Jazz Theory 1 Mid-Term

* 30th October 2018 *

    A lot of us were trying to cram as much information as we could. This was not an easy course and by the time the exam reach the classroom, it was late. There was also a composition to be submitted on that day too. Mr. Moore gave us the assignment to do composition using the blues pattern. This was graded and returned some long time after the Mid-Term was given back.

    The moment I was handed the paper, my head began to squeeze. I tried to keep the work fail away from my mind and answer them as best as I could. The first page was good but front the second page onward was the beginning of the difficult question. I also saw how they made the exam paper and how I could do it over if I was asked to or if I had chosen. The chords on page four were a nightmare in some. I was able to write out the scales the scores correctly for a few.


  1. Jazz Theory 1 - Mid-Term Exam.
  2. History Notes (From Mr. Moore). This Version was 'doctored' by me.
  3. "Sailing Through Venice Rivers" - Assignment.
  4. "Sailing Through Venice Rivers" Recording.

Composition Assignment (Second Trial).

* Tuesday 13th November 2018 *

    When I did my first submission of the composition Mr. Moore did not want it with any piano accompaniment. He asked me to resubmit it with just the melodic line. I ad in the jazz analysis in pencil again and handed it to him. Some of the comments this time around were not negative or heavy in correction, thank goodness. 


  1. First Request.


Final Project & Final Examination.

Tuesday 11th December 2018 *

This day presented two examinations. The morning had my piano jury at ten in the morning in DCFA Studio one. I got there very early to do one last practice and then wait for the exam to begin. I heard from other students that we had to have copies of the music for the judges.

    Unfortunately, the library was not opened yet and someone said that no one was in the office upstairs yet. I had a few dollars with me so I took it and went to the other side of the campus office to print the music and went back to the venue.

    The music was really soothing. I was a bit nervous but no mistakes were done in any of the playings. I wait to see what the judges’ scores would be. Mr. Sharma allowed us who were doing Jazz Theory this afternoon to go first and then be able to leave. The two pieces I performed were “Lonely Bear” and “Dance of the Pianists”.

    I saw Natasha and Carl talking about the composition that we had to do and submit in school for Jazz Theory as they headed over to the kitchen side. I did not stay with them but went back to Curepe's home. I’m thankful to Mr. Moore for his advice and extra lessons one day on some of the theory and composition. I used them to complete the assignment and it was easier.

    The evening came by quickly. We had to go up to MD3 for the written Jazz Theory examination that evening. All of them were waiting upstairs with the compositions in their hand. As I looked up at them from the bridge, I could hear all of them shouting in happiness because I was the last one to meet them up there apparently. We all stood outside the exam doors with no idea what to do with the compositions and one of the invigilators inside was not allowing us to carry the compositions in with them.

    Our classmate Carla took all the assignments and went back down the stairs. He took some minutes. All of the people inside the examination room were looking out at us. We chose not to enter because we found it unfair to enter while Carla went to deliver our compositions. He came back in a few minutes after we were asked to either enter or leave by some other invigilator man. We were not allowed to be ‘liming’ outside the examination room so we decided to go inside in one single line. We knew where our row of desks and chairs were.

    Carla came back five minutes after the exam started. After chatting with him on Instagram that evening, I learned that he had gone all the way up t DCFA to drop off the composition assignments and then came right back down to Main Campus to do the exam.

    The exam was tough. A lot of things I had forgotten. We were not given manuscript paper and were had to draw in staves in the answer booklet with regular photocopied folder pages. We had a lot of scales and chords to write. Some things were jazz analysis and sentence responses. I was one of the few who decided to take the time to check over. I handed up my papers when the time was up.

    I met Mr. More coming in SUPER late when I was walking out from collecting my bags. It was really nice to see him that evening. I know the other students would have been angry but it was good working with him. I remember that he was asking me at the end of the final class what he really wanted me to do over the course textbook. It was my wish after doing all the charts that I had done for the Mid-term study. I wish it was possible but to do a project like that would be too difficult for me, especially where there is no proper information available, and to find someone to work with me and guide me in it would have probably been impossible.

    The composition that I did was something in memory of Dr. Ann-Marion Osborne. I did a painting late in the time leading up to the final exam. It was only a drawing at that time but I did have it coloured to upload it to YouTube. There was also a form I made. It was a Composition plan to help me make a strategy. After thinking about all the advice and extra lesson I had with Mr. Moore, I decided that this plan would have helped me put the entire thing together. I did not get to share it with the rest of the class.


  1. Jazz Theory 1 – Candidate’s Receipt.
  2. Jazz Theory Composition Plan.
  3. “Remembering You” – Composition Assignment.
  4. "Remembering You" - Sketch & Painting.
  5. “Remembering You” – Recording.


Throughout the semester I took some time to make charts based on the various topics covered in the class. They were very helpful in the process of revision as in the Music theory 1 & 2 courses.

**chart pictures**

Daryl Zion M. Ali