Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Introduction to the Steelpan Family (CHART BOOK)

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 19th December 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 12th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The following is an account of the works done for a 'chartbook' created by me entitled "Introduction to the Steelpan Family" and was made to simplify the roles and functions of steelpan instruments in Dr. Remy's “Fundamentals of Steelpan Arranging” textbook for the certificate course.

    This entry will show blueprints created for the aid of recreating new documents of the same type and strategies that went into making this type of document made of Bristol board sheets.


  1. Cover Page & Content Page - 'Blueprint' Templates.
  2. Images of "Introduction to the Steelpan Family" Chartbook.



*  Wednesday 19th December 2018 *

    I decided to create a copy of my ‘ultimate project’ that was done for the “Fundamentals of Steelpan Arranging” course in the certificate program. Two duplications would be gifted to the Festival Library at DCFA and West Indiana Collections at the UWIs Alma Jordon Library. A blueprint was done to help recreate the new layout of the pages. I decided to have printouts of the information to just cut them out and stick with liquid glue.


*  Thursday 20th December 2018 *

    A cover page was created to add a finish to the book. It was satisfactory to me and a Bristol board of similar styling was added to the back. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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