Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Service (2018)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 25th December 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 12th March 2022)

Dear Diary

    The Sunday School was asked to perform for the Christmas Service. It was a very long service and they usually like to start early on that kind of day. Our time of performance was during the offering section. We had a medley with “Hark the Herald” first and then the “Jingle Bell” after. The Jingle Bells came with a slight challenge from Mr. Sharma to mix Silent night in it. I find that the mix was good and I was proud of myself for doing the music.

    For the playing, I was put to conduct and lead the band. Mr. Sharma was at another church playing music that day. I met him after service and he said that he heard the whole performance from the parking area as soon as he parked up.

    The pieces were a bit long and when I saw the person collecting the offerings get back to the alter, I was nervous. Thank goodness the music was coming to an end. I had to indicate to Zara when to do the doxology because she was looking and all the church was waiting to continue. Very happy for the group on their performance. I hope that the rest of the day go well and is not spoiled as it could be.


  1. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”.**
  2. “Jingle Bells & Silent Night.”**
  3. Christmas Service 2018 – Aramalaya Programme.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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