Thursday, March 31, 2016

Musicology Scores

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 31st March, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 15th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Pan lessons with Mr. Sharma went well. I had a short practice exam with him in preparation for next week. The actual exam was supposed to be today but we had missed out on a class last week, which I was glad for because I got to start working on a personal study project for my Musicology class. I first started off with 8 sheets of white Bristol boards and I got two markers to go along with that.

    I had a nice conversation with my Musicology lecturer Mrs. Nicholas about what I discovered a similar pattern they used in the Classical Period from the Medieval period. I also showed her the full score of the song “Now is the Month of Maying” by Thomas Morley I got from the Musescore site. I also got her permission to show her the Musicology Personal Projects I was making for the class. She said "sure" and that she was "glad to see that a student is trying to help out their classmates."


   I  promised miss to email her a copy of the music. That night I also sent her over ten other scores for pieces studied in class but were not in the course 'textbook'. The next week a copy was punched and sent into my 'textbook'. 



  1. Copy of "Now is the Month of Maying".


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[Sunday March 2016]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 15th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I got back home and before 1 o'clock, I sat down at the computer and wrote out the sheet music for the song “Yesterday” music in a Full Score. I got it for the five voices that were to produce the sound of a pan. Usually, I use to write these pieces of music in voice but now I changed my mind and use the pan because it gives such a beautiful song rather than listening to the proper voices and having to listen to the harmony clashing against each other like a bunch of ghosts. 

    I decided to write this because in the WhatsApp chat “We are artist” Nella was talking about the song “Yesterday” so I photocopied the song from a songbook I had a long time now ago I made one for her, myself and also for the Music Journal. I wanted to write something for it so I just sat down and did the same thing like I did for the National Anthem but only for steelpan. 

    Surprisingly, the arrangement came out just fine. The introduction may have been a challenge but thankfully my mind was able to provide something to me.



  1. "Yesterday" Steelpan Arrangement.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Thursday, March 10, 2016

My Birthday (2016)

Date for Entry: (Thursday 10th March, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 15th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today is my birthday and this entry is a bit tied to the previous entry because I woke up past three in the morning trying to re-write the music for the National Anthem in voices for Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass for class. I said in my mind that even if we didn’t get to sing it for the concert in April, then they would have it for when they have to sing it in class.

    Then on the WhatsApp Group chat from Class “We are Artist” Chekiyah sent a selfie picture she took with me in the group. I can’t believe I was spelling her name wrong this whole time but I kinda learned it now. The picture came out a bit different but it was nicely decorated. 

    After printing out the full score for the National Anthem and e-mailing it to Mrs. Neaves with a Midi file, Milano messaged me on Facebook Messenger and said he really liked the card. It was there that he also found out that it was my birthday as well. 

    Class with Mr. Sharma was not good at all. The piece I was doing had too many triplets and it was challenging. It was a Grade 3 piece entitled "Air" by Samuel Wesley (1766-1837).



  1. National Anthem of Trinidad & Tobago (Voice) Amendment.
  2. Photograph.
  3. Copy of Air (Tenor Score).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

World Music (Mid-term) Exam

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 9th March, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 15th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today my exam paper was returned from last week (on Wednesday 2nd March, 2016). Like everyone else in the class, I was worried about the mark. It was only until I got the paper I saw I got five out of ten. So, with that, I took it and felt alright because I passed. I did not cheat as some others in the class decided to as they sat in their groups for the written exam. I think that five or six was the highest mark. Not all of us did so well in it.

    It leads to one a story Mrs. Neaves told us about a long time in school when there was an exam and everyone failed and the highest mark was nine out of fifty she said, “You may think you are bright but ask yourself, how much do you know?” That was a good line indeed.

    During the pan exam, it went well I suppose. The girl who play next to me was a bit worried and some of them hurried up while playing. I guess it was with all of the runs that cause us to hurry it up. I felt a bit weak for the rest of the class because there was sadness that came with me holding up tears in my heart, as they were burning me there. Tomorrow was coming and I don't know if it will bring any of the negative feelings on a day as such.

    That night, I didn’t bother to revise my pieces for applied music with Mr. Sharma. I went outside and write in my loneliness and continued to play Sims. Then I made a card for in-class Milano, whose birthday is tomorrow with me and he’s turning 18 at the same time too. I gave him the card and I enjoyed watching the happy smile on his face because he said it was the first present he got so far.

    In addition, we were also given back a worksheet that was given to us to do in the General Musicianship 2 class. It was not for marks but for extra practice, which I made sure to do. I know for sure I needed it and it was also questioned that I could not leave unanswered, just as the entire course workbook itself, lolz.


  1. World Music (Mid-term) Exam.
  2. General Musicianship 2 - Scales Worksheet.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Syncopation in the Hymn

Date for Entry: (Sunday 6th March 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 14th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today the church was packed with people and I was happy to carry my hymnary with me. From there I know that looking at the words and the music would be too much music to multi-task but it was a good way to do extra studying in church for my Musicology. Each tie the choir would sing and the organ would play I studied some of the pieces to see if I recognise anything from the vocabulary and listening we did in class.

    Teaching pan with the Sunday school today was a bit good. I got to show Mr. Sharma the part in a hymn that had syncopation. I was very surprised to see a hymn using syncopation for once. He told me it was an old song and “thanks for the help” afterwards. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali