Thursday, December 3, 2015

Preparatory Academic Writing (Final)

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 3rd December, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 9th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was my Preparatory writing Exam. I was too nervous. Aunty Vangy friend Jeannine was helping me but at the last minute, I decided to leave what she had taught me in so many long hours from last week Monday up until now, to do my own separate thing. With this, I had my own sense of confidence writing the exam.

    Andrew and I walked through JFK to a place called MP3 because I didn’t know my way around the campus. Then after some time, I chased off behind my friends to keep up with them to put my backs in the spaces it was supposed to be. Andrew was coming behind me as I was jugging down the flight of stairs and then while I was now with my friends he told me he was going to school on Gordon Street at the Huge Wooding Law School.

    I took out two pencils and my ruler with one black and one blue inked pen. I was only worried if I was going to forget the sub-points I made for my four controlling ideas of the essay. Reaching upstairs again, it was time to join the line with all my music friends from school to enter the examination room. It wasn’t that much coldness but the scenery was most beautiful. It gets nicer when the sun starts to set. It helped me as I was steering outside and all around the mountains to think of other points to add. 

    There wasn’t any scrap paper to use so I used my question paper to put in my workings. I took up the whole three hours to do the paper. Thank God I remembered the essay plan sheet I had to fill out. Without that, I would have lost a good set of marks. I had to hand in my exam paper to the examiner without checking over. The time was running by too quickly. Each paragraph took up more than a quarter of an hour but it was good to me. The feeling of having it over was good. I just didn’t understand why there were so many stick rules and police officers everywhere in the room.



  1.  Preparatory Academic Writing - Candidate's Receipt.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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