Friday, December 4, 2015

Applied Music 1 - (First Jury Exam) - (Final)

 Date for Entry: (Friday 4th December, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 9th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today Mr. Sharma called me on my cellphone at about eleven o'clock and asked me where I was because I was running late for my Applied Music I exam. When I got to school, I saw that all of the students in my year group were happy that their exams were over because my time had skipped and gone already. My friend Shikia came and gave me a hug and another girl (Sheamya) that I knew from class and they left and she told me, “Bye! See you next semester.”

    Seeing the whole class walking off, I went and got a pan and two stands from finding out from my friend Abbigail that the Pan room was open. Inside the Pan Theatre, my two friends Justin and Jaid were playing Music together. I was like, “Wow! Why can’t I play so nice like them?” I took out Tenor Pan number 4 and went outside with my two-book stands and had a little chat with Abbie and her two friends and a guy from intermediate.

    The five of us spoke about the bad times of their older Intermediate class and then performed for this same exam I was about to do. Then the other girl who was there said she was gonna practice the next piece she was going to do for the next semester like mad. I would agree because I was gonna do the same thing too. She then said she’s gonna learn through the whole thing and just go through section by section in Class and have it good for the next exam time. When there was silence for smiles, I interjected with my smile and say I did that already and they all burst out of laugh. She couldn’t believe me.

    When the guy from intermediate was over, Mrs. Ramlal called me into Studio 4 to do my practical assessment. Mr. Sharma explain the whole process and there was a camera their video recording the whole thing. I had to say my name, Student’s Id and the names of the pieces that were going to be played. I didn’t get nervous about it because I was prepared to do it again like if it was the recordings I did for CXC, in the Paper 2 Performance section.

    When I was finished, I took the pan back to the Pan Theatre and Justin called me over with my Tenor Pan. He told me to come and play with them and he asked me if I knew how to improvise. I told him a little bit. Gosh, I wish I knew how to improvise well.

    So, then I played the chords since I didn’t know what they were playing. They then changed the melody to “Stand By Me” which I figured out by ear. I could see the guy (John) in the back playing the bass guitar with them smiling at me because I knew he realised that I figured it out.

    They then came to end it and while I signed for my pan to return back to the room, I walked back out with Justin and we went by Mr. Sharma. He wanted to find out when the results for the exam would come back out. Then Mr. Sharma took me to the other side of the building to walk with him and then he told me about reaching late for the exam. He then told me that he would email me the score for “Ave Maria to practice.”

    While dad picked me up, we gave Justin and Jaid a ride on their way out. And we all talked about the English course and how it is, and how hard it was.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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