Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Intermediate Ensemble (2nd) Assessment (Yr.1; Sem.1)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 25th November, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 9th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was a fun but tiring class with Mr. Sharma. He reminded me about the jury I would have to perform for at the end of the semester. Problems occurred in “With A Wink And a Smile.” After class, I took my pan and went to the front of the building to practice for intermediate.

    Then my friends Shikia and Nella helped me carry by pan and bookstand to the front of the pan theatre outside. At the time, some of the others were glad that there was a pan to get a little practice. Mr. Nurse took a long while to do the assessment. He decided to do the bass section first and have the tenors go last. I was the second set remaining of the tenors. He decided to take us in groups of four. He then decided to send me and a girl (Marsha) outside afterwards and then we went in a long while after to do over the same thing.

    I messed up a big set of the music. Then I went outside on the long corridor and sat with Shikia and Nella, while they put together their essay for Academic writing class and we were all talking about how unfair it was. Then later I sat there until four o'clock with a hungry stomach as usual and waited for my English meeting with my Group before going home.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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