Saturday, November 21, 2015

Theory at Startlift with Mr. Lewis & Jean

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 21st November, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 8th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This afternoon, I went down to Mucrapo with Mr. Lewis because last night after calling him he wanted to carry me down to Starlift to teach some students. It was nice to see the yard empty. Whenever I always see the sign on the top of the shed “Starlift House of Music” I always get this big nervous feeling rushing inside of me. On each occasion of visiting the yard, I just need a few minutes before I can settle the feeling down.  

    When I came out of the car with Mr. Lewis, I saw Jean who I didn’t see in a while since Panorama last year. It was nice to see him again. We all went upstairs with the children and then Mr. Lewis gave Jean my book to look and see. It was there that I found out I was done with grade five music theory and we both agreed how difficult the grade six looked.        

    I got one of the students to go through key signatures. I really wanted to see if in an event that as such if my book would actually work but it was downstairs. The girl wasn’t really sure about it. I tried really hard to explain it. It was probably the first time that I was put with a student to teach a lesson. I had to leave her at the tones and semitones topic in her workbook.

    Then on leaving the panyard, I went to Royal Castle with Mr. Lewis to save some time for dad to come down to Port-of-Spain to wait got me. Before we could meet him, Mr. Lewis had misplaced his second phone he showed me a while back and then we searched the whole car until it was right on his side of the door. I left my book with him to look over which I’m sure may not even happen. 

    All new dad and I took a Bus-taxi on the Bus Route to Curepe and then we drove up to Youth Group in Church, which had started a long time. I know I was getting late when everything but my commitment to the Group didn’t cut just as yet. Ria told me that she knew we didn’t get to do anything with the pan so from January she will let me torture them out with it. Though the words came, the feeling of it never coming to be true was great in me.

    As I sit and waited for dad to drive back, I took a picture of the boys and girls from my Youth Group playing football out on the green lawn so I could put it to the sonnet I wrote on football that same day. Maybe I would get to include a copy of it with this entry.      


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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