Friday, November 20, 2015

Caribbean Lab Final Presentation

Date for Entry: (Friday 20th November, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 8th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I had to do a presentation with my Group at CLL in UWI as our final exam. I had to dress up like a slave and do a short speech. In this speech, I was expected to find something and say it back by memory but on the day itself, I preferred to improvise. It would have felt like Theatre Arts itself and would have been more exciting to me. On stage, I didn’t bother to panic. I just what Ms. Saunders taught me in Form One when we had drama with her. I suppose I did well. I know for sure that the audience was entertained with the message as my contribution.

    A girl in the group got a drum borrowed for us to do the group after my part. One of the things that I mad to make sure of was that my improvised part had to end with the word "FREEDOM" as a cue word for the group to come in for the dance. There was an old mop stick that mommy gave me to carry. It worked out well for the dance. The sad part was that a recording of the dance was not saved. It was recorded but I'm not sure who might have a copy of it.

    When I returned to my seat, the lady sitting behind my row said he liked my speech. I guess it was from the question, “Do you like my outfit?” I guess this is why everyone was laughing to the top of their voices the most. But I like it better where you communicate with the audience instead of speaking too much about the history in full. 

    I could remember as I just finished changing into costume and waiting for the five girls in my group to come out of the restroom, my friend Natasha held me had my shoulder. She looked scared at first like she was being chased by a car. She then told me that I gave her a big scare with my hat and torn up clothes. We both laughed it out and we walked over to class.


  1. Group photographs after the class presentation.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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