Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Time for Giving & Getting

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 1st July, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 2nd July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mom and I went up to Hillview College to do two things. I had to return my books from the Rental and deliver the towel gifts I had wrapped up since Term one for some of my CXC teachers for Christmas.

    Everyone was out on lunch and Aunty Pam had come by to help us. She called Ms. Ali-Hosein and then Ms. Ali came out. Ms. Ali liked her gift and a photocopy of the play I took from Andrew’s Caribbean Studies SBA and make it better.

    Then Ms. Saunders was on a field trip so I didn’t get to ask back for my white folder of sonnets I lent her. So I decided I’ll make another folder and print them out to my DAPHA folder. Soon I saw Ria in school. She told my mom how her dad had run away from home and they looked all morning to find him. Eventually came back, thank God. 

    We then told her about the recommendation letter and she asked the Secretary to assist her on time as she walked in the door. Then I gave her a present I had for her and a photocopy of the play I did. She gave me a hug and then told me that I could do theatre arts too with the music is going to UWI. But then I realised it would be nice but then I might have to do Drama for CXC. Once that idea came to mind and remembering all the confusion and stress for CXC with music I did not want to do it.

    Later, while typing up my story “Magical Creatures” Ria called me from What’s App and I met her out in the road. She handed me the letter in a white Hillview College Envelope as she pulled up in the front seat of Mr Bedase’s car and I thanked her for it. 


  1. Referee Letter from Ria.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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