Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CXC Results

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 28th July, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 5th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Tonight, I was patiently waiting for my CSEC Results with too much fear. I knew what was to come would come like that Spanish song: "Que serra serra, whatever will be, will be." The online website to view the results was giving some problems and we did not know what time exactly they were coming out.

    When I finally typed in everything, I clicked the log in button and then the big purple screen came up. I said, “Okay, Daryl. Just watch that middle column and pull your eyes straight down with the grades and nothing else for now.” There I was a four and then no one but then I saw threes and twos so I was pleased. When I called mom, she didn’t know what they meant so I had to explain that anything number from one to a three is a pass and anything four and below is a fail.  

    So, I was glad I got a good Two in my music and with the three, I hope it would be enough to go to UWI because I had my seven subjects including Music and English Language. Andrew, Dad, Mama and Nadara were all happy and excited for me. I too was surprised. It felt like it was all done and the big fear of CXC all these years was finally done. 

    Papa died some week ago. I did not get to tell him that I was finally getting to go to University. He considered me as a child of his would be the first one to do so.


  1. CXC Certificate.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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