Wednesday, May 29, 2013

NCSE Music Examination (Practicals)

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 29th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first day for N.C.S.E. Practical Exams. Today was music practical and I had chosen to play the E Flat Major Scale (Eb), when Miss Sanders begged me not to play something easy. The moment she said that I understood other things apart from that desperate request. That scale was the first requirement. 

    The second requirement was to perform a piece of music on an instrument. For me, I had written a composition along with pieces of music where no one would ever look for. The title was called “Miss Saunders' Goodbye Song” because this was the last time I would ever have a music assignment in Hillview to do again. With that thirty percent multiple-choice quiz that was IT for music classes in Hillview for me. They don't do Music beyond Form 3.

    Within the music, there was a part that I had to sing. This piece also involved chromatic scales and Calypscales (Tonic Triads in the form of a calypso rhythm and melody) from the Graded Steelpan examinations at the Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA). I had five students holding my music sheets and another keeping the beat. But some of them who didn’t know music got caught up in conversation and the metronome keeper lost it so he eventually stopped. THANKS FOR THE HELP STILL!

     At the end of the performance, I had to answer some "viva voce" questions (as I've earned from pan exams) based on the score I composed. All the answers were easy and with one, a short lie was given and thank God it was correct. As Miss Saunders was leaving the stage, I gave her a copy of the score and also my pan sticks, because I wanted her to get her dad “Mr. Nervin Saunders” to sign them for me.

    As my friends and I walked back to class, the Social Studies teacher was already taking up our coursework assignments. Fortunately, when it was time to take mine, she saw that it was printed out and she showed the class it saying that she wanted it documented tidy and not a torn-out page with scrappy handwriting. I felt ashamed. Then she said, "I promised to give you the marks yuh deserve."

    By the time the Physical education class began, the teacher took the class up on the Hill for our Physical Education Practicals for N.C.S.E. The choices were to do either discuss, Javelin or Shot-put. I chose to discuss. However, while staying up on the bleedy computer the whole night trying to learn the techniques for throwing it, the man didn’t want it so. 

    Thank God for me, I just throw the damn thing and got that over with. After we did a relay group of two. Jesus? My legs felt like they could have broken and run away without me. Make me wonder why we have to do exams like these in the first place. Not me and this subject again, Nah! 

    I was also able to grab a copy of the Drama improvisation book when the other boys doing drama was finished using it for the journal. Even the drama too was less interesting.


  1. National Certification of Secondary Education (NCSE) – 2013 Exam Timetable.
  2. National Certification of Secondary Education (2013) Music Booklet (V.II).
  3. National Certification of Secondary Education (2013) – Visual & Performing Arts & Drama Improvisation (Paper 1 – Practical) (Level 1).


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Walking to TIPICA

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 23rd May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I was trying to finish painting a piece I had to do for Miss Tappin during a free period in the sixth and seventh periods of the evening. She even made us write a Journal entry in our books about the observations made. I'm glad she said that mine was very well done.

    At the end of school, the Steel Ensemble gathered to walk down to (TIPICA) Pan Yard on El Dorado Road. When we got to the gates, they were closed and the caretaker had refused to open them for us to come in. The sun was so hot and we decided to walk back up to school and wait on Miss Richardson. Both Ifeaye and I tried calling her on a cell phone but no answer.

    Then this man came running up to us and allowed us to go in. The reason they didn’t let us in was that Miss Richardson had to be present for them to open the gate for us. The caretaker didn’t want to open the gate. Finally, miss had arrived late. Very late. Then we were allowed to go in.

    She got us some pans we were using in school and then practice continued as usual. We practised some scales and then we ran through Bluesette, Human Nature and 21 Guns. While practising, I saw mom, dad, the caretaker and the owner watching me in a kind of stare down way like if I did them something but not in a vexed manner. 

    Soon after, the practice was over and so too was the experience. That was a good practice today somewhat but I enjoyed the feeling of having to do a class rehearsal in a panyard. Maybe we might never make it to Schools' Panorama after all. Unfortunately, no photographs were saved for this particular entry.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The LAST of Hillview's MUSIC Classes

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 21st May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was another day in Form three. Sadly, it was going to be my final music class in Hillview, only because they don’t do Music Education in Form 4 & 5. Miss took the first period going through some things she had taught us during the three years of experience. The other period she gave us a multiple-choice exam carrying thirty marks. One mark per question.

    The exam was EXTREMELY easy because I knew all the answers right away. A new student was surprised that I got thirty out of thirty, as he watched miss correct my paper from behind me in the line. He was the same one who had to answer a question and he got it wrong. He was to answer the name of a music note. His answer was a manuscript and so everyone burst out laughing. The correct answer, however, was a Minim/Half-note (see above).   


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, May 10, 2013

Lupus Week (2013)

 Date for Entry: (Friday 10th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my sister's birthday and I wish she was here. By fortunately the Lord had given me some special advice I may not share with you who are reading this entry right now. It was also World Lupus Day in Woodford Square. Mom, Andrew and I struggled and strained to carry the pan all the way from Tunapuna to the Square without any transport. 

    We had to take a maxi from Tunapuna to City Gate and walk from there all up to Woodford Square. We also had to take turns carrying everything by hand too. Port-of-Spain had too many people to bounce into. Too many people watched me, mom and Andrew walking on the roads with the pan as if we had just stolen it. Poor Stanley! Finally, we reached and then we met the Lovely president of the Voice of Lupus Foundation. 

    Before the function was about to start, mom and I saw Andrew talking to some man looking far away while we went around to the different health stalls. I did my part well in the National Anthem. But the only thing was that they called me “Daryl Hosein-Ali” like mom’s name. It sounded strange because I know that I took most of my mom but that was different. 

    Travelling back from the square to City Gate was tough. We even had to rush for a bus but thank God he sent one in time. We had to wait long and Andrew was already starting to get angry. I was glad to get back home that night but I loved the Friday evening "stroll" through the capital.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Unexpected Reasons

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 8th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was Victory Day in France. When the bell rang for assembly, I was already in the Hall with the other boys in the Pan Ensemble. I couldn’t play because I had forgotten my pan sticks and none of the other boys had extra pan sticks. While the National Anthem was being played, the Forms 1’s mixed up everyone at the ending.

    Later that night, Uncle Kamal and Aunty Roshni came up Tunapuna to visit Papa. I had played a few songs on the Pan for them and then I played Titanic on the Keyboard. They looked like they really enjoyed it. And at the end, they gave out that DELICIOUS style of laughter. I always love to hear persons laugh out like that.  


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Short Lessons

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 7th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This morning in school, Mr. Pierre took me to the Head of Departments Room to fill out a form after class assembly. This form was for my National Certificate for Secondary Education (NCSC) in Physical Education. After I had finished filling out the form, he took it and told me that he was starting to learn about Tonic triads in music theory. I told him that the notes of the tonic triad are the first, third and fifth degrees of a scale and the tonic note is the first note of the scale. He was then able to understand it better.

    In Visual Arts class, Miss Tappin came in and told us that the class had to make groups of four and that we all had to choose a specific area of the school to draw. This had to connect when putting together. I had no idea how that part was going to work at all.

    While drawing, the bell was sounded for lunchtime. As I sat down in class, I asked my friend in my group if they had brought back my pencil case they borrowed.

     The three boys rushed up on the hill and found the pencil case. When they came back, I was eating my bread and cheese and they brought it back to me. But the only problem was that all the writing materials had gone missing. So, I was lucky that there was an extra pen in my bag pocket. I felt hurt because apart from my addiction to sheet music and music pedagogy books, writing materials like that are close to me too.


    I used my sixth and seventh periods well after lunch doing the painting and colouring aspect of the art project. I would admit, I really cannot draw. I wish I could. This drawing was supposed to be that marvellous savannah up on the hill. 

    The group chose the view of the hill that was forbidden for students to go walking on. We all stood in one line and did the drawing in the savannah grass and worked on our own separate drawings. By the time school was over that day the assignment was completed and ready for submission.

Daryl Zion M. Ali